2023-05-25: News Headlines

Suds, Snacks, Socialism Forum Committee (2023-05-25). Saturday 6/3: Attack on Trans People: A Page in the Fascist Playbook. indybay.org Starry Plaugh Pub | 3101 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94705 | also online…

W. T. Whitney Jr. (2023-05-24). Worker empowerment stalls in Venezuela as left unity fractures. peoplesworld.org Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's president from 1999 until 2013, inspired and led a "Bolivarian Revolution" that sought independence from U.S. domination, regional integration, and so-called "socialism of the 21st century." The obstacles that lay before these goals have been many: capitalism in control of the national economy, unrelenting right-wing political opposition, U.S. intervention—and longstanding political divisions …

CRD (2023-05-25). G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder; Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD. indybay.org Pacifica's Capitalism, Race and Democracy on G7 Protest Against US-led War; Banko Brown's Murder & Turkey's Critical Elections By CRD…

Stephan Schulmeister (2023-05-25). Inflation in the Age of Finance Capitalism. indybay.org The shift of profit-striving from the real- to the financial-economy lowered economic growth Unemployment and atypical jobs soared. The welfare state was weakened. At the same time, financial wealth grew exorbitantly (the DAX increased 14-fold since 1988). The development of financial derivatives made possible profiting from short-term changes in stocks, currencies and bonds.

Steve Gillis (2023-05-25). WWP solution to debt crisis: Defund the Pentagon! workers.org Credit: Tony Murphy It's television news teaser material that on June 1, the U.S. government will run out of money to pay its debts — everything from wages for its vast global armies and civilian government workers, to Social Security checks and interest payments on Treasury bonds. According to President . . . |

_____ (2023-05-24). Kissinger's Fairy Tales for Idiots. strategic-culture.org Kissinger's idea of bringing peace by having Ukraine join NATO is as crazy as the thought of putting out a fire with kerosene. | In October 2019, the online edition of Progressnews.ge published the article "The Dissolution of the Soviet Union was the Biggest Crime of the United States — Henry Kissinger is Disappointed with Capitalism", which quotes an alleged statement by Henry Kissinger, the 56th U.S. Secretary of State and 7th U.S. National Security Advisor, from which it could be concluded that the experienced politician, diplomat, political theorist, and geopolitical advisor, in the later years of his l…

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-05-24). An introduction to Imperialism. podcasters.spotify.com In this episode, similarly to other reason, short introductory episodes, we go over the topic of imperialism in nine minutes. Of course, this doesn't come close to covering every aspect or the historical development of the phenomenon known as Capitalism imperialism, however, it does bring us into a bit better have an understanding that the majority of us have from our high school education or from the phony and hypocritical western media sources…

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-05-24). Expanded Intro: Capitalism, Commodity Production and Imperialism. podcasters.spotify.com In this episode, we expand on two previous episodes, one on capitalist exploitation, and the other on imperialism. In this episode, we talk about commodity production under capitalism, and especially, the shift from production for the use and needs of society to the production, for the sake of exchange and profit from exchange solely for the owning class. We also talk about imperialism, what its characteristics are, and what we need to do to avoid simplistic analysis, both of its history and current existence.

WSWS (2023-05-24). Introduction to new pamphlet from Mehring Books: Marxism vs. Critical Race Theory. wsws.org The pamphlet, which presents a criticism of critical race theory and identity politics from the left, is now available from Mehring Books.

Marxist-Leninist (2023-05-24). Let Us Celebrate the People's Patriots and End the Ignominy of Monarchical-Patriotic Legends. dissidentvoice.org An assembly of some 6,000 Quebec patriots, the Assembly of the Six Counties, was held October 23-24, 1837 despite public assemblies being banned by the British colonial government. The Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist) is calling for Victoria Day to be renamed Patriots' Day. The aim is to engage people in discussion on the peoples' …

Ricardo Vaz (2023-05-24). Venezuelan Communists say government established fake communist party to 'hijack' their supporters. peoplesworld.org CARACAS—The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) has pointed the finger at the leadership of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) for an alleged attempt to "hijack" the organization. "The PSUV leadership wants to take away the PCV's legal status, to neutralize its role in the country's social struggles," Communist Party General Secretary àìscar …

Staff (2023-05-24). Kissinger at 100: New War Crimes Revealed in Secret Cambodia Bombing That Set Stage for Forever Wars. democracynow.org A bombshell new investigation from The Intercept reveals that former U.S. national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was responsible for even more civilian deaths during the U.S. war in Cambodia than was previously known. The revelations add to a violent résumé that ranges from Latin America to Southeast Asia, where Kissinger presided over brutal U.S. military interventions to put down communist revolt and to develop U.S. influence around the world. While survivors and family members of these deadly campaigns continue to grieve, Kissinger celebrates his 100th birthday this week. "This…

thecommunists (2023-05-24). Zelensky piling up his millions as Nato tries regime change via assassination. thecommunists.org The failed bid to assassinate Russian president Vladimir Putin in May, whether directly ordered by the west-backed junta in Ukraine or the work of freelancing fascists, signalled a new level of provocation and threat against Russia. The drone attack on the Kremlin, taken together with the supply by Britain and others of long-range weapons capable …

WSWS (2023-05-25). Union abruptly ends strike of New York City resident physicians. wsws.org The Committee of Interns and Residents has sent its members back to work at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens without allowing them to vote on the tentative agreement, which will do nothing to improve their poverty wages.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-05-24). People's Health Tribunal finds Shell and Total Energy guilty of harming African communities. peoplesdispatch.org Environmental, health, and human rights activists deplored the actions of extractive corporations in Africa, who exploit natural resources and sow poverty and disease, during a People's Health Tribunal…

Ricardo Vaz (2023-05-24). Venezuelan Communists say government established fake communist party to 'hijack' their supporters. peoplesworld.org CARACAS—The Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) has pointed the finger at the leadership of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) for an alleged attempt to "hijack" the organization. "The PSUV leadership wants to take away the PCV's legal status, to neutralize its role in the country's social struggles," Communist Party General Secretary àìscar …

Staff (2023-05-24). Kissinger at 100: New War Crimes Revealed in Secret Cambodia Bombing That Set Stage for Forever Wars. democracynow.org A bombshell new investigation from The Intercept reveals that former U.S. national security adviser and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was responsible for even more civilian deaths during the U.S. war in Cambodia than was previously known. The revelations add to a violent résumé that ranges from Latin America to Southeast Asia, where Kissinger presided over brutal U.S. military interventions to put down communist revolt and to develop U.S. influence around the world. While survivors and family members of these deadly campaigns continue to grieve, Kissinger celebrates his 100th birthday this week. "This…

thecommunists (2023-05-24). Zelensky piling up his millions as Nato tries regime change via assassination. thecommunists.org The failed bid to assassinate Russian president Vladimir Putin in May, whether directly ordered by the west-backed junta in Ukraine or the work of freelancing fascists, signalled a new level of provocation and threat against Russia. The drone attack on the Kremlin, taken together with the supply by Britain and others of long-range weapons capable …

WSWS (2023-05-25). Union abruptly ends strike of New York City resident physicians. wsws.org The Committee of Interns and Residents has sent its members back to work at Elmhurst Hospital in Queens without allowing them to vote on the tentative agreement, which will do nothing to improve their poverty wages.

Peoples Health Dispatch (2023-05-24). People's Health Tribunal finds Shell and Total Energy guilty of harming African communities. peoplesdispatch.org Environmental, health, and human rights activists deplored the actions of extractive corporations in Africa, who exploit natural resources and sow poverty and disease, during a People's Health Tribunal…

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