Daily Archives: August 14, 2023

2023-08-14: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-08-13). After the convention: A balance sheet of the DSA, 2016-2023. wsws.org The Democratic Socialists of America's 2023 convention provides an opportunity to take stock of the role the organization has played in the period beginning in 2015-16, when an initial but powerful radicalization of workers and youth spurred growing interest in socialism and drove 13 million people to vote for self-proclaimed socialist candidate Bernie Sanders.

JANET (2023-08-13). Book Launch: "The East is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century" iacenter.org Discussion of 'The East is Still Red'August 13, 2023 Full discussion of the Program is available to watch on YouTube at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8IqgNi3n-g Talk by Sara Flounders (below) Book Launch: The East is Still Red: Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century On Sunday 13 August 2023, the International Manifesto Group hosted a launch event for Carlos Martinez's book The East is Still Red — Chinese Socialism in the 21st Century. Author Carlos Martinez discussed the book with a panel of commentators. This launch took place at 11AM US Eastern Time, 4PM London Time and 11PM Beijing time over Zoom and…

Cecilia Paz (2023-08-14). Four sneaky ways capitalist healthcare kills poor people. liberationnews.org It is common knowledge that healthcare under capitalism is only guaranteed to those who can afford it.

Paciifca's Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-08-13). TX School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist. indybay.org On Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy covers Texas School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist Academic Arrested; Dr Mutulu Shakur Presente!

Andy Merrifield (2023-08-14). John Berger and Gramsci in Rome: Personal Reflections. mronline.org "A week or so on, John Berger was still with me, there in spirit. Or, better, I was still with him. When in Rome, I told myself…well, what better thing to do than to visit Gramsci, the great Marxist, whose grave lies in the city's 'Non-Catholic Cemetery' in Testaccio."

midwesternmarx (2023-08-13). From the American System to the Chinese Dream: A materialist Understanding of the American Revolution's Place in Global History. By: Marius Trotter. midwesternmarx.com This is part 2 in a series of articles on the American Revolution. Here is Part 1. Before we go into the reasons the liberal/left intelligentsia has decided to disown the American Revolution (the subject of part 3), it is important to take a step back and re-examine the event with new eyes.The American Revolution as a Developmental ProjectThe American Revolution was not merely a war of independence. It was also an economic revolution- the creation of the first major power that …

midwesternmarx (2023-08-13). It's Never About The US President, It's About The US Empire By: Caitlin Johnstone. midwesternmarx.com We talk about US presidents all the time — Obama did this, Trump did that, blah blah blah. But really it's never the president doing those things, it's the empire. The president is just the face of the operation, the name they put on the door that they change every few years to create the illusion that the US government is responsive to the will of the electorate. Really if you look solely at the raw data of the US power structure around the wo …

midwesternmarx (2023-08-13). Right-Wing Has Not Tried to Suppress Teaching the History of Anti-Imperialist Movements Because They Are Rarely Discussed in Any Course By: David Starr. midwesternmarx.com ​Meeting of the Anti-Imperialist League circa. 1900. [Source: zloetscher001.weebly.com] On February 20, journalist Max Blumenthal gave a powerful address at the Rage Against the War Machine rally across from the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C., in which he emphasized how Ukrainians had been used as pawns to advance U.S. imperial interests.​Blumenthal said that people on the other side of the U.S. empire did not care whether people identified as leftist or …

Caitlin A. Johnstone (2023-08-14). New York Times helps Marco Rubio push persecution of antiwar leftists. mronline.org Citing a recent McCarthyite smear piece by The New York Times, Senator Marco Rubio published a letter on Wednesday that he'd sent to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for the investigation of American leftist antiwar groups, claiming they are "tied to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and operating with impunity in the United States."

thecommunists (2023-08-14). Why do so many trade union struggles in Britain fail? thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from the Class Consciousness Project, with thanks. ***** The National Education Union (NEU), Britain's biggest teaching union, announced on 31 July that, following a consultation with its members, it would be accepting the 6.5 percent pay offer made by the government through its proxy, the Schools Teachers' Review Body. Thus the …

Staff (2023-08-13). Venezuela: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Communist Party Dissidents, Appoints Ad Hoc Board for Elections. orinocotribune.com Caracas ( The TSJ's ruling, announced on Friday, August 11, in Judgment No. 1160, appointed an ad hoc board of directors to oversee the PCV's internal affairs and organize democratic elections for a…

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