2023-08-15: News Headlines

_____ (2023-08-15). U.S. Capitalism and Why the Glut of 'Wonder Weapons' to Ukraine Won't Make a Difference. strategic-culture.org This war in Ukraine is the ghoulish epitome of Western capitalism, writes Finian Cunningham. | Join us on , , and . | It is slowly and reluctantly dawning on Western officials and their servile media that the Ukraine counter…

krish-rad_ind (2023-08-15). Drug Patents Are Stifling Progress and Making us Sicker. leftvoice.org

Frank Cappello (2023-08-15). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Trading Places (w/ Jamel Johnson). levernews.com

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-08-15). The rise of private cops: How not to tackle homelessness. nationofchange.org Like many cities with a serious housing problem, Portland is increasingly relying on private security to "clean up" the human debris of capitalism.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-15). Gustavo Petro: The New Zone for the World's Largest Cocaine Production is the Colombian-Ecuadorian Border. libya360.wordpress.com Gustavo Petro From the marijuana of welfare capitalism and its rebellious youth, we have moved on to cocaine, the drug of competitiveness and neoliberalism; and now we are entering the drug of death, fentanyl: the drug of the capitalism of the climate crisis and war. The structure of the cocaine market has changed. The areas…

Staff (2023-08-15). Moms For Liberty (Moms For Bigotry): Foot Soldiers for Capitalism. wibailoutpeople.org Adolf Hitler Quoted in Newsletter: | In a recent newsletter from the Indiana chapter of Moms for Liberty, it was discovered that the group had quoted Adolf Hitler in its inaugural newsletter. In the first version of the letter, it included the quote, "'He alone, who OWNS the youth, GAINS the future,' and cited Hitler. While the origin of the quote is not entirely clear, it has been attributed in numerous historical texts to a 1935 rally speech by the Nazi lead…

Cecilia Paz (2023-08-14). Four sneaky ways capitalist health care kills poor people. liberationnews.org It is common knowledge that healthcare under capitalism is only guaranteed to those who can afford it.

John Wojcik (2023-08-15). Communists discuss history of their relationship with U.S. labor movement. peoplesworld.org CHICAGO—"Everyone agrees that the goal in the labor movement is unity within the working class. The path to that unity is difficult, and what Marxism does is uncover and overcome the obstacles on that path to unity," said Roberta Wood at a national gathering called by the Labor Commission of the Communist Party this week. …

Andy Merrifield (2023-08-14). John Berger and Gramsci in Rome: Personal Reflections. mronline.org "A week or so on, John Berger was still with me, there in spirit. Or, better, I was still with him. When in Rome, I told myself…well, what better thing to do than to visit Gramsci, the great Marxist, whose grave lies in the city's 'Non-Catholic Cemetery' in Testaccio."

teleSUR (2023-08-15). Paraguay: Santiago Peña Assumes the Presidency Amid Marches. telesurenglish.net On Tuesday, the Clasista Trade Union Action (ASC), the Citizen Participation Party (PPC), the Social Platform for Human Rights, Memory and Democracy, the Paraguayan Communist Party (PCP) and other progressive organizations called for marches in Asuncion amid the Santiago Peña presidential inauguration ceremony. | RELATED: | The marches will begin at 10: 00 a.m. from Italia Square and aim to ask the new Paraguayan president…

José Luis Granados Ceja (2023-08-15). Communist Party of Venezuela Decries 'Usurpation' by Supreme Court. venezuelanalysis.com The PCV has claimed that the judicial ruling is part of a scheme orchestrated by the leadership of the PSUV to take over the party's credentials.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-08-15). Is Imperialism Losing in Africa and Syria? Interview with Harpal Brar. libya360.wordpress.com The coup leaders in Niger and Burkina Faso say they want Africa to be relevant on the gran geopolitical chessboard. Is the political and economic independence of Africa and Syria possible? Harpal Brar, the founder and former chairman of the communist party in Great Britain answers. Proletarian TV: / proletariancpgbml Harpal is the author of many…

thecommunists (2023-08-15). It is not north Korean but US nuclear weapons which threaten the world. thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from the Korean Central News Agency with thanks. ***** At the first session of the preparatory committee for the 11th Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) review conference, the USA and its vassal forces unreasonably criticised the DPRK's nuclear deterrent for self-defence as a "threat" to international peace and security and to the …

A Guest Author (2023-08-14). Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition For the people of Niger and their new leadership. workers.org The Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition issued the following statement Aug. 10. Signers include Mobilization4Mumia, Mumia United Nations Liaison Group, International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Friends of Mumia Mexico, Workers World Party, Communist Workers League and Malcolm X Commemoration Committee. Graphic: Anastasya Eliseeva The new government of Niger . . . |

thecommunists (2023-08-14). Why do so many trade union struggles in Britain fail? thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from the Class Consciousness Project, with thanks. ***** The National Education Union (NEU), Britain's biggest teaching union, announced on 31 July that, following a consultation with its members, it would be accepting the 6.5 percent pay offer made by the government through its proxy, the Schools Teachers' Review Body. Thus the …

Peoples Dispatch (2023-08-14). AMLO's pro-working class policies are why poverty decreased in Mexico. peoplesdispatch.org On August 10, the Mexican National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) released a In these same four years, the "multidimensional poverty" level decreased from 41.9% to 36.3…

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