Daily Archives: August 23, 2023

2023-08-23: News Headlines

Frank Cappello (2023-08-22). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Titanic (w/ Dr. Erika Okamoto). levernews.com

Luis Britto García (2023-08-22). El dogma liberal y las crisis económicas. globalizacion.ca 1.- El dogma liberal y neoliberal | Las crisis periódicas | Desde que hay capitalismo hay crisis económicas: recurrentes, destructivas, cada vez más graves. Tres soluciones se han propuesto para remediarlas: la liberal, la keynesiana, la socialista. Cada una comporta una posición…

cameron orr (2023-08-22). Freeing our organizations from the culture of oppression requires vigilance. cpusa.org I was recently asked how I became a Marxist-Leninist and I feel like the simplest answer I can provide is my experience as a Black person, who is often perceived as a woman. Throughout my life, I have struggled tremendously with not feeling good enough, while simultaneously feeling like I'm too much. A lot of this comes down to the unfair expectations and standards people hold me to, as a Black femme, while also making me feel invisible for my achievements and accomplishments. I've noticed in school and work, I would always be doing more than my white peers, only to be less respected, acknowledged, and support…

thecommunists (2023-08-22). Book review: War made Invisible by Norman Solomon. thecommunists.org This article is reproduced from Savage Minds, with thanks. ***** Usually when I read a interesting book I'm reviewing and being a journalist, I often find myself inspired to write an article that delves further into some aspect that the book brushed over. But in the case of Norman Solomon's infuriating, well-documented and much needed …

Chris Hedges (2023-08-22). The crucifixion of Julian Assange. mronline.org The Biblical prophets — Elijah, Amos, Jeremiah, Isaiah — believed that anything worth living for was worth dying for. Their enemy was not only suffering, calumny, poverty, injustice, but a life devoid of meaning.

greenleft.org.au (2023-08-22). Antipoverty Centre report calls for income-first approach. greenleft.org.au

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