Daily Archives: December 3, 2023

2023-12-03: News Headlines

Pete Dolack (2023-12-03). If Capitalism is 'Natural,' Why Was so Much Force Used to Build it? counterpunch.org Image by Etienne Girardet. | If capitalism is such a natural outcome of human nature, why were systematic violence and draconian laws necessary to establish it? And if greed is the primary motivation for human beings, how could the vast majority of human existence have been in hunter-gatherer societies in which cooperation was the most valuable behavior? | Cheerleaders for capitalism — who generate endless arguments that greed is not only good but the dominant human motivation — tend to not dwell on the origination of the system, either implying it has always been with us or that it is the "natural…

Editor (2023-12-02). Despicable derailment of UN Climate negotiations. mronline.org Capitalism is taking humanity to disaster with a tiny minority doing most of the damage.

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-12-02). Presidenta de Honduras culpa al capitalismo de la crisis climática. telesurtv.net La presidenta Xiomara Castro dijo que el 10 por ciento del Ejército nacional ahora está dedicado a la protección de los bosques.

Greg Godels (2023-12-02). The Ugly Face of Anti-Communism. dissidentvoice.org Since the Russian revolution, the founding of the Communist International, and the organization of a revolutionary party "of a new type" in nearly every country, Communist and Workers Parties have been in the sights of every country's bourgeoisie. In nearly all countries, the bourgeoisie, its political parties, its media, and its other henchmen have sought …

Dan Collyns (2023-12-02). Spreading gang violence worsens food crisis in Haiti. america.cgtn.com A UN report released this week on the situation in Haiti paints a grim picture of life in the Caribbean nation. Already wracked by poverty and lawlessness, the report warns of spreading gang violence further threatening food supplies.

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