Daily Archives: December 5, 2023

2023-12-05: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-12-04). Helen Halyard (1950-2023), a tribute to a life dedicated to the victory of world socialism. wsws.org We are publishing here the tribute given by David North to Helen Halyard, a leading member of the Socialist Equality Party and the International Committee of the Fourth International for more than half a century, who died suddenly at the age of 73 on November 28. North's remarks opened a memorial meeting for Helen held Sunday, December 3.

thecommunists (2023-12-05). The tasks of communists in the Palestine solidarity movement. thecommunists.org The massive demonstration that took place in London on 11 November was the largest since the two million-strong demonstration against the Iraq war of 15 Feburary 2003. It showed clearly that there exists an ever-growing gap between the members of our unified political class in Britain, who have all committed themselves to backing the murderous …

_____ (2023-12-04). Henry Kissinger (27 May 1923 — 29 Nov 2023) War Criminal Finally Dies. transcend.org 30 Nov 2023 – Henry Kissinger has died, at the age of 100. In my humble opinion, he should have been considered a war criminal. One telling illustration was Kissinger's role in overthrowing the elected socialist government of Salvador Allende in Chile, and encouraging the mass murder of thousands of innocent Chileans under the Operation Condor (war on Communism).

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-12-04). South African party accuses mining company of security lapse. plenglish.com Pretoria, Dec 4 (Prensa Latina) The South African Communist Party (SACP) accused the Impala Platinum Mine of failing to implement safety measures that killed 12 people in an accident.

Steve Topple, The Canary. (2023-12-04). People Have Taken Action UK-Wide Over Fuel Poverty. popularresistance.org Campaign groups Fuel Poverty Action, Unite Community, and their allies held nationwide protests this weekend, carrying out 'Warm Ups' to demand action on fuel poverty. People occupied British Gas offices, protested outside Scottish Power, and engaged their local communities. | However, not everyone was receptive to the groups' demands. Security at a South London shopping centre removed activists, simply for 'warming up' — albeit with a rather large banner reading 'Cold Homes Kill'. | Fuel Poverty Action has carried out Warm Ups for over a decade. Activists enter buildings or public spaces in order to warm u…

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