Daily Archives: December 6, 2023

2023-12-06: News Headlines

Global Ecosocialist Network. (2023-12-06). COP28 — We Need To Challenge The Power Of Fossil Fuel Capitalism. popularresistance.org Despite the fact that we are teetering on the edge of the climate cliff, capitalist governments are far from the drastic reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and carbon drawdown necessary to prevent this "temporary" temperature rise from becoming the norm, setting us well on the path to an unlivable planet for the majority of the world's human and non-human population. On the contrary, emissions have steadily increased during the past few years. | The environmental destruction caused by wars, occupations and the military-industrial complex are compounding the crisis. The shift away from fossil fuels to renewabl…

Frank Cappello (2023-12-05). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Zoolander (w/ Brian Morabito). levernews.com

Julio C. Gambina (2023-12-05). Argentina — Restauración conservadora bajo régimen constitucional. globalizacion.ca Los golpes de Estado desde 1930 a 1976 tenían como propósito esencial restaurar en el gobierno al bloque de poder terrateniente y del capital externo, hegemónico en la construcción del capitalismo local a fines del siglo XIX. | Con la ley…

ecns.cn (2023-12-05). Xi urges Shanghai to accelerate the building of a socialist, modern and international metropolis. ecns.cn During his recent inspection tour in Shanghai, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, emphasized the need for Shanghai to faithfully implement the new development philosophy on all fronts.

Larry Johnson (2023-12-05). My Speech To A Seminar on Multipolarity. sonar21.com [The following is the written speech I presented today at gathering of patriots from different nations keen on saving the world from nuclear destruction. The topic that brought us together is, "multipolarity and the implications for the futures of Russia and the United States." I will be interested in your reaction.] | I will do a full report on Moscow when I return to the states. But I can give you a quick summary — Russia is experiencing a remarkable religious rebirth. My visit to the Sretensky Monastery, the oldest sanctuary in Moscow (it was built in 1397) was moving and awe inspiring. Communism f…

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