2023-12-17: News Headlines

Agonas (2023-12-17). The Paradox of Capitalism. orinocotribune.com By Agonas — Dec 13, 2023 | Critics often blame socialism for failures, overlooking the inherent contradiction in attempting to build a socialist society within a capitalist framework. While capitalism champions the notion of free markets and individual agency the reality for most is that participation in this system is not truly optional. Individuals must work to sustain themselves and their families this necessity to participate in the economic system creates a paradox — the appearance of choice within a system that is driven by profit and perpetuates inequality. | The challenges for nations attemptin…

WSWS (2023-12-16). "We must carry forward Helen Halyard's life and work through the struggle of the ICFI for the victory of socialism throughout the world" wsws.org We are publishing here the tribute to Helen Halyard given by Joseph Kishore, the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (US), to a memorial meeting for Comrade Helen held on December 3.

Edward Lozansky, Consortium News. (2023-12-18). War In Ukraine And The 'Crisis Of Western Civilization'. popularresistance.org The war in Ukraine has become a crisis of Western civilization. | Wall Street Journal Editor-at-Large Gerard Baker writes that the West is "losing our soul, our sense of purpose as a society, our identity as a civilization. We in the West are in the grip of an ideology that disowns our genius, denounces our success, disdains merit, elevates victimhood, embraces societal self-loathing, and enforces it all in a web of exclusionary and authoritarian rules, large and small." | Baker nevertheless reminds us that "liberal capitalism has done more for human prosperity, health and freedom than any other economic or polit…

Elias Khalil Jabbour (2023-12-16). BRICS+ and the future of the international order. geopoliticaleconomy.com The emergence and rise of new poles of power to the detriment of existing ones is nothing new in history. Since the 18th century, there have been countless examples of transitions in international hegemony. This accelerated with the emergence of industrial capitalism in England, which was more advanced than the Portuguese and Spanish commercial capitalism that for centuries had dominated much of the world, especially Latin America. | Even the capitalist dynamic inaugurated by England has characteristics that are not unfamiliar to economic historians with great theoretical and conceptual rigor. | Well known is Vla…

Tina Renier (2023-12-16). From Colonialism to "Neoliberal Capitalism": Low Wage "Special Economic Zones". Integrating Developing Countries into Global Supply Chains: The Case of Jamaica. globalresearch.ca

Elias Khalil Jabbour, Geopolitical Economy. (2023-12-16). BRICS+ And The Future Of The International Order. popularresistance.org The emergence and rise of new poles of power to the detriment of existing ones is nothing new in history. Since the 18th century, there have been countless examples of transitions in international hegemony. This accelerated with the emergence of industrial capitalism in England, which was more advanced than the Portuguese and Spanish commercial capitalism that for centuries had dominated much of the world, especially Latin America. | Even the capitalist dynamic inaugurated by England has characteristics that are not unfamiliar to economic historians with great theoretical and conceptual rigor.

Marie Kelly (2023-12-16). V.I. Lenin and Clara ZetkinRevolutionary fighters aimed to abolish capitalism and win gender liberation. workers.org "She who is a Communist belongs as a member to the Party, just as he who is a Communist. They have the same rights and duties. There can be no difference of opinion on that score." V.I. Lenin German Marxist Clara Zetkin was a contemporary of Vladimir Lenin. She had . . . |

Redacción Chile (2023-12-17). 50 years: remembering Bautista Van Schouwen Vasey. pressenza.com With the presence of his son Pablo, his brother Jorge, his partner Astrid, Inés and several other people related to his family, friends, comrades in struggle, militants of various forces of the left, people from the world of culture, humanism, etc… a ceremony in memory of Bauchi, Bautista Van Schouwen Vasey, took place in the entrance patio of the Church of the Capuchins, precisely where 50 years ago he was taken from to disappear him. | Bautista was a Chilean doctor and Marxist revolutionary, one of the founders of the Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR), and director of the newspaper El Rebelde. After the coup…

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-17). Fallece el filósofo italiano Toni Negri a la edad de 90 años. telesurtv.net Antonio Negri (1933-2023), marxista heterodoxo, activista y una de las personalidades fundamentales de la cultura revolucionaria de las últimas décadas.

teleSUR, JCM (2023-12-16). Fallece el filósofo italiano Toni Negri a la edad de 90 años. telesurtv.net Antonio Negri (1933-2023), marxista heterodoxo, activista y una de las personalidades fundamentales de la cultura revolucionaria de las últimas décadas.

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