2023-12-31: News Headlines

Editor (2023-12-31). Dec 31, 2023. sitrepworld.info "Katyusha" — Soviet Army Song (Female Choir) 2024: Coming USA Political Dysfunction, by Karl Sanchez "Listen to what he says," by Patrick Armstrong Michael Hudson: Neoliberalism, Industrial Capitalism, and the Rise of Debt |- Robinson's Podcast Trickery, Humiliation, Death — and the Timeless Hunger for 'Honour and Glory,' by Alastair Crooke No, Biden Is Not Being Played by Netanyahu. U.S. Imperialist Policy Is the Systematic Problem, by Finian Cunningham The Great Taking: How the Banksters Plan to Steal Everything From Everyone, by Joseph Mercola Democrats Facing Election Wip…

Peter Handel (2023-12-30). We Must Reckon With the Most Dangerous System of Extinction Humans Ever Created. truthout.org Capitalism is killing us. That's the unequivocal message of a new book, Dying for Capitalism: How Big Money Fuels Extinction and What We Can Do About It by Charles Derber and Suren Moodliar. The authors draw critical links between capitalism, militarism and environmental destruction to show how nothing short of radical change is required to shift the deadly course humanity as a whole is now on. |

People's Dispatch. (2023-12-31). Greeks Protest Docking Of US Warship. popularresistance.org On Thursday, December 28, anti-imperialists in Greece protested the docking of the US Navy's aircraft carrier USS Gerald Ford at the Souda Port in Chania. The mobilization, called by the Peace Committee and labor unions in Chania, saw participation from activists of the Communist Party of Greece (KKE), the Greek Committee for International Détente and Peace (EEDYE), the Communist Youth of Greece (KNE), and All Workers Militant Front (PAME), among others. | Activists held a banner that read "There is no place here for murderers! US and NATO soldiers are not welcome!" The aircraft carrier docked at the port on Dece…

ecns.cn (2023-12-31). Xi meets Chinese diplomatic envoys to foreign countries. ecns.cn Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president, and chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with Chinese diplomatic envoys attending the annual work conference for overseas envoys to foreign countries in 2023 at the Great Hall of the People on Dec 29. Xi delivered an important speech.

thecommunists (2023-12-30). Israeli far right's plans for expulsion and expansion. thecommunists.org Reproduced from Le Monde Diplomatique, with thanks. ***** It's often said that wars are easier to start than finish. Israel's war in Gaza is already proving to be a particularly telling demonstration of this. Hamas's operation Al-Aqsa Flood of 7 October has given Israel's far right, which dominates the government Benjamin Netanyahu formed in late …

Eugene Puryear, Liberation News. (2023-12-31). Crisis In The Democratic Republic Of Congo. popularresistance.org Since 1996, at least 6 million people have been killed in successive conflicts in the eastern portion of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The same conflicts are largely responsible for the 6.9 million internally displaced people in the DRC today, one of the world's largest populations of IDPs. Successive waves of violence have unfolded against a backdrop of a desperate struggle for the $24 trillion of mineral wealth embedded in Congolese soil. Despite immense wealth, nearly 60 million people — 64% of the country — live on less than $2.15 a day. One in six people living in extreme poverty in Sub-Sahar…

Desinformémonos (2023-12-30). Mexico: more than 8,000 people advance towards Oaxaca in migrant caravan. pressenza.com The more than 8,000 Central and South American migrants who make up the migrant caravan known as the "Exodus of Poverty" continued their journey early this morning from the municipality of Escuintla to Mapastepec, in Chiapas, to reach the state of Oaxaca. | On the fourth day of their journey, the thousands of men, women, and children from Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Venezuela, and Cuba advanced along the coastal highway of Chiapas to head north. | According to Luis Rey García Villagrán, an activist with the Human Rights Centre for Human Dignification, nine out of ten migrants in the caravan want to s…

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