Monthly Archives: July 2024

2024-07-25: News Headlines

Rivera Sun, Popular Resistance. (2024-07-25). Thousands Of Actions Planned This Fall To End War, Poverty, Racism And Environmental Destruction. Nationwide — Between September 21 and October 2, 2024, tens of thousands of people will take nonviolent action to protest violence, war, poverty, racism and environmental destruction as part of the 11th annual Campaign Nonviolence Action Days. | Stretching between the International Day of Peace (Sept 21) to the International Day of Nonviolence (Oct 2), over 100 organizations participate in the effort. In 2023, over 5,000+ actions and events were held across the United States and around the world. More than 3,340 actions and events have already been announced for 2024, with thousands more expected to join in…

Jomo Kwame Sundaram (2024-07-25). More poverty for the poor. Many low-income countries (LICs) continue to slip further behind the rest of the world. Meanwhile, people in extreme poverty have been increasing again after decades of decline.

newleftreview (2024-07-25). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

noemail (2024-07-25). 733 Million People Faced Hunger in 2023, Undermining Progress Toward Zero Hunger. According to the latest State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) report released by five United Nations agencies, approximately 733 million people worldwide faced hunger in 2023. This figure represents one in eleven people globally and one in five in Africa. The report, launched during the G20 Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty Task Force Ministerial Meeting in Brazil, highlights a significant setback in global efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2, Zero Hunger, by 2030.

thenextrecession.wordpress (2024-07-25). China's Third Plenum. The Third Plenum of the Communist Party of China ended last week.

2024-07-25 20:02:11 | tr | 7 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 

2024-07-20: News Headlines

Mamadu Baldeh, Samuel Adeyemi Williams, Abdulai Jawo Bah (2024-07-20). Correspondence] Drug use among young people in Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone, a sub-Saharan African country with a median population age of 19 years and 75% of its entire population younger than 35 years,1 is experiencing an exponential increase in synthetic substance misuse among its young people.2 Many Sierra Leoneans live through multi-dimensional poverty that is exacerbated by the psychosocial distress they experienced during the decade-long civil war (1991—2002) and the 2014—16 Ebola epidemic in west Africa.3 These catastrophic events mediate a strong, bidirectional link between these traumatic experiences and substance abuse, which have contributed to the dr…

A Guest Author (2024-07-20). Haiti solidarity statement from Kenya, Jamaica. The Communist Party of Kenya posted this statement July 10. Challenging Imperialism: Communist Party of Kenya and the Left Alliance for National Democracy and Socialism Stands in Solidarity for Justice and Equality with the Haitian People Graphic: Haiti Action Committee The Communist Party of Kenya and the Left Alliance for . . . | (2024-07-20). CPC sends condolences on demise of Vietnam leader. The Communist Party of China Central Committee sent condolences on Friday over the death of General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong. (2024-07-20). China to promote high-quality development as its primary task. The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China concluded its third plenary session on Thursday, stressing in a communique that China will promote high-quality development as its primary task in building China into a modern socialist country in all respects. (2024-07-20). China to pursue major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) concluded its third plenary session on Thursday, issuing a communique that emphasizes China's commitment to pursuing major-country diplomacy with distinctive Chinese characteristics.

Colin Todhunter (2024-07-20). What Was COVID Really About? Triggering A Multi-Trillion Dollar Global Debt Crisis. "Ramping up an Imperialist Strategy"? If it was indeed about public health, why close down the bulk of health services and the global economy knowing full well what the implications would be? And why mount a military-style propaganda campaign to censor world-renowned scientists and terrorise entire populations…

Javier Arana Villasusa (2024-07-20). National mourning in Vietnam for the death of VCP general secretary. Hanoi, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) A special statement to declare national mourning on the occasion of the death, the day before, of the general secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (PCV), Nguyen Phu Trong, was released today in this capital.

Alina Ramos Martin (2024-07-20). India mourns death of Vietnamese party leader. New Delhi, Jul 20 (Prensa Latina) Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi joined the condolences of world leaders on the death of the General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), Nguyen Phu Trong.

Staff (2024-07-20). Talking About A Revolution. An elegant Trotskyist, Michael Pablo grew up in Greece to become an urbane revolutionary, who made his presence felt at many of the most significant uprisings of the 20th century in an attempt to build what he called self-managed socialism. Partnered by his dynamic and fearless wife Elli Dyovoumoti, Pablo was often in great danger, …

newleftreview (2024-07-20). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

2024-07-20 18:38:09 | tr | 12 | 0 | 2 | 11 | 0 

2024-07-19: News Headlines

Lucas Estanislao, Resumen English. (2024-07-19). The Solution To Political Violence In The US: Transfer Power To The People. Violence has always been at the heart of how the United States makes policy, whether internally or externally, from the massacres of original populations and minorities to the two-party system that favors economic power and alienates the people. The way out of this vicious cycle is the empowerment of the working class, both politically and economically. | This is one of the thoughts that the minority candidate for the presidency of the United States, Claudia De la Cruz of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), expressed in an interview with Brasil de Fato, after the shots fired at the rally of Republican D… (2024-07-19). Highlights of news conference on 3rd plenary session. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China holds a news conference on Friday on the guiding principles from the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee. Here are the highlights:… (2024-07-19). China to pursue major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) concluded its third plenary session on Thursday, issuing a communique that emphasizes China's commitment to pursuing major-country diplomacy with distinctive Chinese characteristics. (2024-07-19). Resolution highlights mechanism for integrated urban-rural development. The resolution adopted by the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization at its third plenary session has highlighted the importance of improving the mechanism for integrated urban-rural development. (2024-07-19). China to promote high-quality development as its primary task. The 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China concluded its third plenary session on Thursday, stressing in a communique that China will promote high-quality development as its primary task in building China into a modern socialist country in all respects. (2024-07-19). High-standard socialist market economy to provide important guarantee for Chinese modernization. A high-standard socialist market economy will provide an important guarantee for Chinese modernization, according to the Communique of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China(CPC) issued on Thursday. (2024-07-19). Party charts reform course. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, and other members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the 20th CPC Central Committee vote during the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee in Beijing. (2024-07-19). Xi chairs symposium to seek opinions of non-CPC personages on key reform resolution. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, chaired a symposium in May to solicit views and suggestions of non-CPC personages on the drafting of the CPC resolution on further deepening reform comprehensively to advance Chinese modernization.

Charles Pierson (2024-07-19). The Ten Commandments: Coming Soon to a Public School Near You. Louisiana has become the first state in the nation to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in all public school classrooms, up to and including state-funded universities. Since Louisiana regularly places towards the bottom of state rankings in education, health, poverty, violent crimes, and overall quality of life, Louisiana must find it gratifying that

Joshua Sperber (2024-07-19). The Eruption of the New Right: On "When the Clock Broke" Eric Hobsbawm has noted that the Soviet Union saved Western capitalism two times. The first time was when the USSR defeated Nazi Germany. The second time was that by displaying an alternative political-economic system to the rest of the world, the USSR compelled the West, and specifically the US, to reform its institutions. The reforms

Ana Luisa Brown (2024-07-19). Vietnamese President extols relevant virtues of Nguyen Phu Tronh. Hanoi, Jul 19 (Prensa Latina) President To Lam here today extolled the most relevant virtues of the late General Secretary of the Communist Party (VCP), Nguyen Phu Trong, whom he described as a wise and great talent of the Vietnamese revolution.

The Independent (2024-07-19). 'Poverty, traditional birth attendants responsible for high fistula cases in Busoga'. Jinja, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Gynecologists say reliance on traditional birth attendants is contributing to the high number of obstetric fistula in Busoga. An obstetric fistula is an abnormal opening between a woman's genital tract and her urinary tract or rectum.The condition is caused by prolonged, obstructed labor which often leaves women leaking urine, feces, or …

aljazeera (2024-07-19). Vietnam's Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong dies at 80: State media. Government says Trong died at a military hospital 'due to old age and serious illness'.

newleftreview (2024-07-19). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

2024-07-19 19:38:51 | tr | 16 | 0 | 0 | 21 | 0 

2024-07-17: News Headlines

Rania Khalek (2024-07-17). Kenya's Youth Are Rising Up Against U.S.-IMF Control and Aren't Backing Down. The Kenyan people successfully defeated a deeply unpopular finance bill that threatened to worsen Kenya's already-dire poverty and inflation. After massive protests that turned violent, President William Ruto withdrew the bill that the U.S. and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) were imposing, which would have dealt the most intense austerity policies in Kenya's history. | To explain how the IMF traps countries like Kenya in cycles of debt and why these measures fail the Kenyan people, Dr. Chelwa joins the show. Dr. Chelwa is a Professor of Political Economy at the Africa Institute and Senior Fellow at Tricont…

newleftreview (2024-07-17). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

2024-07-17 20:25:54 | tr | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 

2024-07-16: News Headlines

Emily Drabinski, In These Times. (2024-07-16). The Library Is A Commons. The Montana State Library Commission voted 5-1 (with one abstention) in July 2023 to rescind its membership in the American Library Association because of the ALA's then-president: a self-proclaimed Marxist lesbian, which is to say, me. Despite their claims, that does not mean the entire field is socialist, nor is the professional association, which is nonpartisan and dedicated to advocating for libraries and the professional development of library staff. Who knows how many of us are card-carrying socialists (probably not too many, as the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a total 140,000 library workers while me… (2024-07-16). Insights | Tanzanian politician: China to achieve more advances in modernization. The Communist Party of China will convene the third plenary session of its 20th Central Committee from July 15 to 18 in Beijing. "China is going to achieve more advances in modernization," said Palamagamba John Kabudi, former Tanzanian foreign minister and professor at the University of Dar es Salaam, in a recent interview with China News Network. (2024-07-16). Insights | Tanzanian politician: Third plenum of the 20th CPC Central Committee to yield benefits for the world. The third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), which kicked off in Beijing on July 15, will run until the 18th. Kabudi expressed his anticipation of positive outcomes, which could not only benefit China but also favor Tanzania and the rest of the world.

Ian Angus (2024-07-16). Capitalism's New Age of Plagues. Part 7: Wildlife farms and wet markets. Commercial farming of wild animals as luxury food for the rich triggered a global pandemic.

John Bellamy Foster (2024-07-16). John Bellamy Foster on Albert Einstein's Radical Politics. A brilliant theoretical physicist best known for his theory of relativity, Albert Einstein was also a socialist. John Bellamy Foster describes Einstein's radical political commitments, including his efforts in relation to the founding of Brandeis University, his role in the Henry Wallace campaign, and his seminal essay "Why Socialism?"

Morning Star (2024-07-16). Leader of Nepal's largest communist party inaugurated as prime minister. The leader of Nepal's largest communist party was inaugurated as prime minister at a ceremony in Kathmandu on Sunday. Khadga Prasad Oli, who heads the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist), was named to…

WSWS (2024-07-16). Rising unemployment and poverty in New Zealand. The National Party-led government is cutting funding for foodbanks as tens of thousands of people lose their jobs and more households struggle to pay for food, electricity and rent.

newleftreview (2024-07-16). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

2024-07-16 23:05:08 | tr | 10 | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 

2024-07-14: News Headlines

Greg Godels (2024-07-14). Multipolarity and BRICS Once More. The debates over "multipolarity" and the significance of an allegedly multipolar BRICS grouping continue. In an opinion piece in People's Voice ("Multipolarity, BRICS+ and the struggle for peace, cooperation, and socialism today," June 16-30, 2024) writer Garrett Halas mounts an earnest defense of multipolarity and the BRICS+ "as a positive step towards socialism." Halas joins …

Pete Dolack (2024-07-14). You Are Not Alone if You Are Out of Work. Image by Hennie Stander. | We are endlessly and repetitively treated to sermons on the wonders of capitalism. Everybody will be taken care of, with the proviso that you are willing to work. As I have had frequent cause to note, that a line has to be furiously propagated across every channel speaks to a lack of concrete reality. And as more people, especially young people, see that they have declining possibilities, more questioning inevitably arises. | The only thing worse in capitalism to having a job, however unpleasant, is not having a job. Unemployment benefits are barely at starvation rates and end all to…

newleftreview (2024-07-14). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

The Independent (2024-07-14). China's Xi eye on the big picture, while 'playing the piano with all 10 fingers'. Xi Jinping inspiring China's reform with vivid metaphors BEIJING | Xinhua | President Xi Jinping has articulately used adages, idioms and metaphors to discuss a new round of reform to drive the development of the world's second-largest economy since 2012. In a distinct fashion, Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) …

2024-07-14 18:15:40 | tr | 6 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 

2024-07-13: News Headlines

newleftreview (2024-07-13). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis. (2024-07-13). US empire, global capitalism and the 'internationalisation' of states. Rather than globalisation weakening states, domestic states have become more important than ever.

2024-07-13 13:45:19 | 13:45 EST | rz | 4 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 

2024-07-11: News Headlines

Morning Star (2024-07-11). French Communists warn Macron is attempting to hijack Popular Front victory. France's New Popular Front (NPF), which won the most seats in Sunday's parliamentary election, has called on President Emmanuel Macron to ask it to form a government. But the president Tuesday addressed the nation saying that since no bloc had a majority, he intended to keep current Prime Minister Gabriel Attal in place until a …

WSWS (2024-07-11). Socialist Workers Party "Marxism 2024" festival promotes Jeremy Corbyn as leader of a "left" regroupment. Corbyn was featured speaker at the SWP's festival on Saturday, with its members giving him a hero's welcome.

newleftreview (2024-07-11). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

2024-07-11 19:10:00 | 19:10 EST | tr | 5 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 

2024-07-10: News Headlines

Megan Russell (2024-07-10). Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign. On June 26th, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability sat down for a Congressional Hearing titled, "Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party's Political Warfare." This was one of many Congressional hearings aimed at tackling the "China threat." As a general premise, I didn't have a lot of hope for the hearing. Language is crucial, …

People's World (2024-07-10). PW conversation with Layana Khoury, an editor of Israeli Communist Party's Al-Ittihad newspaper. LAYANA KHOURY is an editor of Al-Ittihad (The Union), the daily Arabic-language newspaper of the Israeli Communist Party. Along with its sister publication, the Hebrew-language Zo Haderekh (This is the Way), Al-Ittihad is operating under the most difficult and repressive conditions. They face constant political attacks from the Netanyahu government and the military censorship of …

Megan Russell (2024-07-10). Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign. On June 26th, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability sat down for a Congressional Hearing titled, "Defending America from the Chinese Communist Party's Political Warfare." This was one of many Congressional hearings aimed at tackling the "China threat." As a general premise, I didn't have a lot of hope for the hearing. Language is crucial,

Systemic Disorder (2024-07-10). Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics. That humanity can dominate nature "is an illusion." The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. "Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

WSWS (2024-07-10). After the French elections, New Popular Front swings to the right. The task is independently mobilizing working class militancy in struggle for demands that give voice to the objectively revolutionary opposition of the masses to capitalism.

WSWS (2024-07-10). Report reveals nearly one quarter of Canadians are living in poverty. The growth of poverty, and the staggering fortunes of the corporations and the rich are not unrelated processes. They arise out of the inner workings of the capitalist system, and political decisions made by all of Canada's major parties, including the Liberals and NDP.

newleftreview (2024-07-10). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

2024-07-10 21:48:54 | 21:48 EST | tr | 9 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 

2024-07-08: News Headlines (2024-07-08). Insights丨Bangladeshi politician: Chinese nation getting stronger under CPC's leadership. Nader Chowdhury, joint general secretary of the Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal, a socialist political party in Bangladesh, said the Communist Party of China (CPC) has been taking up a leading role in facilitating the Chinese nation to its rejuvenation, during a recent interview with China News Network. (2024-07-08). Insights丨Bangladeshi politician: Chinese nation getting stronger under CPC's leadership. This year marks the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). Nader Chowdhury, joint general secretary of the Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal, a socialist political party in Bangladesh, believes that the CPC has been taking up a leading role in facilitating the Chinese nation to its rejuvenation, during a recent interview with China News Network.

Systemic Disorder (2024-07-08). Capitalism can't overcome the laws of physics. That humanity can dominate nature "is an illusion." The laws of thermodynamics remain in place. "Consequently, a growth-centered capitalist economy finds itself trapped in futile attempts to completely decouple itself from nature — aiming for a 100% circular, service-oriented and zero-waste existence.

Prabhat Patnaik (2024-07-08). The specific form of poverty under capitalism. There are roughly four proximate features of capitalist poverty.

C.J. Atkins (2024-07-08). France proved the popular front strategy is the way to beat fascism. Georgi Dimitrov would be smiling this morning in Marxist heaven, if such a thing existed. The Bulgarian Communist is credited with introducing the "people's front" (or popular front) strategy of uniting labor, left, progressive, and centrist forces to block fascism back in 1935, and France — the first country to elect a popular front government …

Human Rights Watch (2024-07-08). Iran: Security Forces Killing Kurdish Border Couriers. Click to expand Image | Kulbars carry goods on their backs along the mountains of the Iran-Iraq border, Kurdistan, Iran, April 29, 2017. | © 2017 Abed Jalilpouran/Middle East Images/Middle East Images via Getty Images | Iranian authorities have used excessive and lethal force against predominantly Kurds crossing the border from Iraq with goods for resale.High rates of unemployment and poverty are among the drivers for people to work as border couriers, known as Kulbars, legally or illegally, which is a physically demanding and dangerous work.Iranian authorities should develop sustainable economic opportun…

newleftreview (2024-07-08). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

2024-07-08 19:25:16 | 19:25 EST | tr | 9 | 2 | 0 | 7 | 0