2024-08-09: News Headlines

Kim Petersen (2024-08-08). On Being a Patriot. dissidentvoice.org Journalist and political analyst Caleb Maupin put out a video "Scott Ritter's home raided by the FBI." Maupin affirmed his solidarity with Ritter, a staunch opponent of US militaristic support for Ukraine and Israel. Ritter's anti-imperialist stand is nothing new. He first came to wider attention with his opposition to US plans to attack Iraq …

Ferdinand Ibebuchi, Black Agenda Report. (2024-08-08). From East To West Africa: The People Are Uprising Against Colonial Oppression And Corruption. popularresistance.org The time for Africans to reclaim their land, dignity, and future is now. The only means by which Africans can achieve liberation and self-determination is through collaborative unity, in the form of scientific socialism. A divided continent will only remain mired in the exploitation and degradation that has defined its very existence since the imposition of colonialism a century and a half ago.

Ashley Smith, Michael Roberts (2024-08-09). The Persistence of Global Capitalism's Long Depression. cadtm.org

Richard D. Wolff (2024-08-09). Capitalism's Unequal Distribution Deprives You of True Freedom. counterpunch.org As the French economist Thomas Piketty most recently exposed, capitalism, across time and space, has always tended to produce ever-greater economic inequality. Oxfam, a global charity, reported that 2022's 10 richest men together had six times more wealth than the poorest 3.1 billion people on earth. The lack of democracy inside workplaces or enterprises is both a cause and an effect of capitalism's unequal distribution of income and wealth.

Gunther Sosna (2024-08-09). Around the mountain. indybay.org Capitalism has reached its natural limits and is now beginning to collapse under its own weight…Financial capital is beyond control and social responsibility. It has no enemies to fear, it operates globally, marauding around the globe and leaving scorched earth in its wake…The portrayal of capitalism as the best and therefore only economic solution has become the general party doctrine.

newleftreview (2024-08-09). Cédric Durand: Landscapes of Capital. newleftreview.org A critical engagement with the work of Brett Christophers, whose books—The New Enclosure, Rentier Capitalism, Our Lives in Their Portfolios and The Price Is Wrong—unfold a novel critique of the 'rentier stage' of contemporary capitalism, in the tradition of radical historical geography developed by Lefebvre, Harvey and Davis.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2024-08-08). Groveling at the Feet of Greed: How U.S. Politicians Sacrifice Lives for Profit and Power. libya360.wordpress.com Peter S. Baron Picture the strength of a unified populace, rejecting the exploitation and brutality inflicted in our name. We must rise together, in defiance of the so-called leaders who have sacrificed their integrity on the altar of capitalism. For every life shattered by their betrayal, for every dream crushed under the weight of their…

Jonah Raskin (2024-08-09). The Neo-Marxism of Malcolm Harris is Alive and Well in "Palo Alto" counterpunch.org Someone, I forget who, said "we're all Marxists now," and, while that might have been truer during the antifascist 1930s than at any other time in history, it is not true now. Marxism probably has as many if not more fierce foes today around the world, and from Hungary to Brazil, as it had during the height

WSWS (2024-08-09). Elon Musk proclaims inevitable "civil war" after UK's anti-migrant riots. wsws.org Musk's role in stoking far-right violence confirms Marx's description of the financial aristocracy as "the rebirth of the lumpenproletariat on the heights of bourgeois society".

Elsy Fors Garzon (2024-08-08). Cuban authorities analyze socioeconomic requirements in Havana. plenglish.com Havana, Aug 8 (Prensa Latina) The Secretary of Organization of the Communist Party of Cuba, Roberto Morales, met today with authorities in the capital to evaluate results of the implementation of agreements and work priorities of the organization.

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