2025-01-04: News Headlines

WSWS (2025-01-03). Socialism against oligarchy, fascism and war. wsws.org Underlying the interlinked crises of the capitalist system is an oligarchy that subordinates all of society to profit and the accumulation of personal wealth. The fight against the oligarchy is by its very nature a revolutionary task.

WSWS (2025-01-03). Socialism against oligarchy, fascism and war. wsws.org Underlying these interlinked crises of the capitalist system is an oligarchy that subordinates all of society to profit and the accumulation of personal wealth. The fight against the oligarchy is by its very nature a revolutionary task.

Staff (2025-01-03). Estados Unidos: Signos de degradación. cubadebate.cu El capitalismo de libre mercado que admira Javier Milei exhibe cotidianamente un doble perfil sangriento. La lógica de la refracción explica el vínculo entre las 700 bases militares estadounidenses esparcidas a lo largo y ancho del Planeta Tierra y su obvia relación con las recurrentes matanzas, tiroteos masivos y asesinatos colectivos.

Eve Ottenberg (2025-01-03). Mass Hysteria Strikes Again: The Great Drone Invasion of 2024. counterpunch.org The latest American mass psychosis involves drones, a rather mundane twist in a long, gaudy, societal psychopathology leading from communists under the bed, to the lunatic Havana Syndrome, to dastardly Chinese spy balloons. So our current fixation is mystery drones, sighted across the U.S. but most alarmingly, for birdbrains I guess, over U.S. military bases.

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