Daily Archives: September 19, 2023

2023-09-19: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-09-18). UK students: Stop the war in Ukraine! Build a movement in the working class! Fight for socialism! wsws.org The future for young people is dominated by a series of crises, including: the escalation of the NATO-Russia war in Ukraine, another surge of COVID-19 infections, the deadly consequences of climate change, and the rise of the far-right across Europe and attacks on democratic rights.

Ian Angus (2023-09-19). Ecosocialist Bookshelf, September 2023. greenleft.org.au Water, farming, nuclear tests, copper mining, new biology, and sugar. Climate and Capitalism editor Ian Angus presents six books to help understand and change the world.

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-09-19). 'Climate Bill' Enriches The Fossil Fuel Industry As Communities Suffer. popularresistance.org One year after the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, which Big Green groups hailed as a 'climate justice bill,' the truth is surfacing that this legislation is lining the pockets of the fossil fuel industry to the detriment of frontline, especially Black and Indigenous, communities. Clearing the FOG speaks to Anthony Rogers-Wright, a national racial and climate justice advocate, about the ways Joe Biden and the Democrats are failing to address the climate crisis and Big Green groups are turning away from climate justice to embrace Green Capitalism. Rogers-Wright also describes better alternatives to the Big…

Federico Fuentes, Michael Prà∂bsting (2023-09-18). Why imperialism remains relevant to understanding 21st century capitalism. greenleft.org.au In the first part of our interview, Austrian Marxist Michael Prà∂bsting, author of The Great Robbery of the South and Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry, discusses his views on imperialism in the 21st century with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-09-18). Libya, Devastated by U.S./NATO Bombing, Unprepared for Extreme Storm Floods. libya360.wordpress.com Scott Scheffer Blame for the horrible flooding that has killed nearly 20,000 people in the city of Derna, with many thousands still unaccounted for in northeastern Libya, belongs squarely on the doorstep of Western capitalism and the U.S. imperialist military menace. The 2011 U.S.-led NATO war on Libya left the country in a weakened, vulnerable state. This…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-09-18). Fascism Is Capitalism in Decay. orinocotribune.com By Ekaterina Cabylis — Sep 16, 2023 | The Relationship Between Economic Decline and Authoritarianism | "Fascism is capitalism in decay," we have all heard this referenced to Lenin. While it's important to note that this specific quote may not be verbatim from his writings or speeches, it does capture the essence of Lenin's views on capitalism and its potential consequences. Lenin believed that as capitalism reached a certain stage of development, it would exhibit characteristics that resembled fascism. This idea suggests that fascism emerges due to the inherent contradictions and crises within capitalism as…

_____ (2023-09-18). What Every Child Should Know about Marx's Theory of Value. transcend.org September 2023 – The law of value works in mysterious ways. For some Marxists, it underlies everything we need to know about capitalism. But, just as Karl Marx claimed he was not a Marxist, so too might he have said, "that's not my law of value."

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-09-18). Honduras en la ONU: el conocimiento tiene que ser para todos. telesurtv.net "El capitalismo profundiza la depauperación de todas las personas en el planeta y a los pobres los hace más pobres", dijo el ministro de Planificación de Honduras, Ricardo Salgado.

WSWS (2023-09-18). The lie of a "just transition" under capitalism: EVs, critical minerals and the exploitation of the working class. wsws.org The energy transition, as it currently stands, has little to do with stopping global warming and protecting the environment. It has much more to do with control over the world's resources, supply chains and advanced trade exports.

_____ (2023-09-18). What Every Child Should Know about Marx's Theory of Value. transcend.org September 2023 – The law of value works in mysterious ways. For some Marxists, it underlies everything we need to know about capitalism. But, just as Karl Marx claimed he was not a Marxist, so too might he have said, "that's not my law of value."

teleSUR, lvm, YSM (2023-09-18). Honduras en la ONU: el conocimiento tiene que ser para todos. telesurtv.net "El capitalismo profundiza la depauperación de todas las personas en el planeta y a los pobres los hace más pobres", dijo el ministro de Planificación de Honduras, Ricardo Salgado.

WSWS (2023-09-18). The lie of a "just transition" under capitalism: EVs, critical minerals and the exploitation of the working class. wsws.org The energy transition, as it currently stands, has little to do with stopping global warming and protecting the environment. It has much more to do with control over the world's resources, supply chains and advanced trade exports.

Binoy Kampmark (2023-09-18). Brief for Murder: Pinochet's Apologists Five Decades On. dissidentvoice.org During the Cold War, assassinations most foul were entertained as necessary measures to advance the set cause. In Latin America, military regimes were keenly sponsored as reliably brutal antidotes to the Marxist tic, or at the very least the tic in waiting. Any government deemed by Washington to be remotely progressive would become ripe targets …

Federico Fuentes, Michael Prà∂bsting (2023-09-18). Multipolarity or anti-imperialist internationalism? greenleft.org.au In the second part of our interview, Austrian Marxist Michael Prà∂bsting, author of The Great Robbery of the South and Anti-Imperialism in the Age of Great Power Rivalry, discusses his views on anti-imperialism in the 21st century with Green Left's Federico Fuentes.

Peoples Dispatch (2023-09-18). Communists call for abolishing monarchy in Sweden. peoplesdispatch.org September 15 marked the 50th anniversary of the ascendance of King Carl XVI Gustaf to the throne in Sweden. Communists termed the monarchy as an outdated, redundant institution which must be abolished…

Staff (2023-09-18). Argentina's Extreme-Right Politician Javier Milei to Tucker Carlson: The Pope Endorses Theft and Has Affinity to Murderous Communists. orinocotribune.com Argentina's extreme-right presidential candidate for La Libertad Avanza party, Javier Milei, took a hard line against Pope Francis and said that "he is on the side of bloody dictatorships." | In an

Tony Martel (2023-09-18). Ecosocialist Electricity? Just Transition or Neo-Luddite Revolution. counterpunch.org "Communism is Soviet power plus the electrification of the whole country… What we must now try is to convert every electric power station we build into a stronghold of enlightenment to be used to make the masses electricity-conscious, so to speak" — V. I. Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 31 "The sun never sets on the

thecommunists (2023-09-18). Belt and Road envy dominates G20 summit. thecommunists.org With Russia not invited to the party and Xi Jinping declining the invitation, the once-mighty G20 circus that pitched up in Delhi from 9 to 13 September, whilst still pulling in the massed ranks of the world's imperialist media and providing a platform for an endless parade of heads of state to strut their stuff, …

Bharat Dogra (2023-09-18). Poverty in India: Providing Schools for the Most Marginalized Children in Remote Villages in Uttar Pradesh. globalresearch.ca

Rick Kohn, Resumen English. (2023-09-18). New US Sanctions Bill Designed To Bring Misery To Nicaraguans. popularresistance.org As we all know, the U.S. already has imposed sanctions on Nicaragua, but they haven't yet brought about the kind of hunger and poverty and suffering that some U.S. policymakers think is necessary to overthrow the popular Nicaraguan government. So there is a new sanctions bill co-sponsored by Marco Rubio and Tim Kaine that will try to further depress the Nicaraguan economy, increase unemployment, decrease revenue for the government's popular programs so the government will be less popular. | The stated goal is the overthrow of the Nicaraguan government and a "free and fair election" to replace Daniel Ortega.

Algernon Austin (2023-09-19). Conservative Politicians Choose Higher Child Poverty Rates. counterpunch.org The U.S. Census Bureau released its annual report on poverty today. It confirms that policymakers have all the tools necessary to reduce poverty rates, but they choose to have a high U.S. poverty rate. Although the United States is one of the richest countries in the world, the U.S. has a much higher child poverty

Matt Bruenig (2023-09-18). Who Are the Poor in 2021 and 2022? peoplespolicyproject.org The Census The headline from the report is that the expiration of the one-year pandemic-era Child Tax Credit and the lack of one-off stimulus payments resulted in child poverty being much higher in 2022 than 2021. This headline is certainly true, though some of the specific numbers involved may n…

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