Monthly Archives: October 2023

2023-10-31: News Headlines

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-10-30). 'I'm in solidarity with Palestine!' Hundreds rally in Baltimore to demand end of Israel's Occupation. Over 200 demonstrators gathered in front of City Hall in Baltimore on Friday, October 20, and subsequently marched through the streets of downtown Baltimore, to protest Israel's retaliatory bombing of Gaza after the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attacks, and to call for an end to Israel's 75-year occupation of Palestine. The rally and march, billed with the title "We Won't Back Down: All Out for Palestine!," was cosponsored by The Party for Socialism & Liberation (PSL), Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Baltimore, Baltimore Student Union, Runners 4 Justice, Friends of Latin America, and Baltimore BLOC. | TRNN was on the gr…

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). Progressive Coups Against Empire. By: Yohan Smalls. This article was Co-published with the Hampton Institute. Western leftists often explain socialism as an extension of democratic values. Across professional spheres, this belief is propagated by some of the most popular figures in our movement. For instance, the acclaimed academic Noam Chomsky described socialism as "an extension of democracy into the social sphere." Jacobin, the largest socialist publication in the United States, has published writers who explain the S …

Frank Cappello (2023-10-31). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Bee Movie (w/ CJ Koepp).

WSWS (2023-10-30). Capitalism, German nationalism and fake populist demagogy—the program of Sahra Wagenknecht's new party. The new party is intended to prevent resistance to social decline, poverty, war and oppression from challenging the capitalist social order and uniting with the struggles of the international working class.

In Defense of Liberation! (2023-10-30). Colonial Connections: An Intro to the Relations of Colonialism, Capitalism, Fascism and Zionism. If the title wasn't long enough, wait till you hear how much information I packed into this one episode! This is my best attempt to try to put onto the table, all of the different historical connections and points of origin between colonial and imperial powers from Britain to the United States to Nazi Germany and to the state of Israel. Through discussing the means by which colonialism came to be, Europe, founded itself and created an institution of white supremacy, and how capitalism/imperialism was able to time and time again, assert its domination over the world through occupation, genocide, slavery, wage labo…

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). Germany Has a Historic Debt to the Palestinian People. By: Marcel Cartier. ​The crimes of German fascism are of a magnitude so enormous that they are almost difficult to comprehend. Without question the most heinous in its breadth was the Holocaust, the systematic attempt by the Nazi regime to annihilate the Jewish people that ultimately led to the mass murder of around two-thirds of the European Jewish population. It is only correct that today's German state would see itself as having a historic responsibility towards Jews, both at home and abroad. …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). Let the whole world speak out against Israel's savagery against the Palestinian people. By: Rabi Sankar Bosu. ​Exactly 75 years ago in 1948, the whole world watched in horror as millions of Palestinians fled their homes due to the Zionist Israeli aggression. According to the United Nations figures, Zionists have carried out massacres, 530 Palestinian villages were wiped off from the world map and 957,000 have lost their homes and become refugees living in the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, resulting in a devastating "Nakba" (Arabic word meaning "catastrophe"). The inhuman savag …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). The Everyday Violence of Life in Occupied Palestine. By: Vijay Prashad. Driving along the Jordan River Valley in the Occupied Palestine Territory (OPT) of the West Bank is a stunning experience. The road is officially called Highway 90. The arable and irrigated land along this road is held militarily and illegally by Israeli settlers, many of whom are not actually Israeli citizens, but residents from the Jewish diaspora. A United Nations Commission report published in 2022 showed that this settlement activity is a crime against internation … (2023-10-30). Xi stresses forging strong sense of community for Chinese nation and promoting the high-quality development of Party's work on ethnic affairs in the new era. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee conducted the ninth group study session on forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation on the afternoon of Oct 27. (2023-10-31). Xi stresses organizing, motivating women to contribute to Chinese modernization. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Monday called for efforts to organize and motivate women to contribute their strength to Chinese modernization.

thecommunists (2023-10-31). Students protest against Manchester university's complicity in Gaza genocide. The following press release was issued by the Youth Front for Palestine and Manchester Leftist Action on 25 October 2023. ***** On Wednesday 25 October, the Youth Front For Palestine (YFFP) and Manchester Leftist Action (MLA) staged a student-led protest on University of Manchester's (UoM) campus to demand that University of Manchester's Graphene Institute stops …

Bill Fletcher, Jr. (2023-10-31). In defense of AMLO — understanding MORENA's project. US corporate media decries AMLO as an 'authoritarian.' Some in the US left have criticized AMLO's party, MORENA, for its emphasis on extractivism and its conflicts with some Indigenous communities. What's often left out of the narrative is that MORENA has successfully lifted 9 million Mexicans out of poverty since 2018. What's the true story of MORENA's political project?

2023-10-31 15:04:53 | 15:04 EST | tr | 16 | 0 | 9 | 5 | 0 

2023-10-30: News Headlines

_____ (2023-10-30). Why Capitalism Cannot Finally Repress Socialism. In fact, the capitalism-versus-socialism contest does not really resume because it never really stopped. As changing social conditions changed socialism—a process that took time—it sometimes seemed to wishful thinkers that the systems struggle had ended with capitalism's victory.

Maximillian Alvarez (2023-10-30). 'I'm in solidarity with Palestine!' Hundreds rally in Baltimore to demand end of Israel's Occupation. Over 200 demonstrators gathered in front of City Hall in Baltimore on Friday, October 20, and subsequently marched through the streets of downtown Baltimore, to protest Israel's retaliatory bombing of Gaza after the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attacks, and to call for an end to Israel's 75-year occupation of Palestine. The rally and march, billed with the title "We Won't Back Down: All Out for Palestine!," was cosponsored by The Party for Socialism & Liberation (PSL), Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Baltimore, Baltimore Student Union, Runners 4 Justice, Friends of Latin America, and Baltimore BLOC. | TRNN was on the gr…

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). Progressive Coups Against Empire. By: Yohan Smalls. This article was Co-published with the Hampton Institute. Western leftists often explain socialism as an extension of democratic values. Across professional spheres, this belief is propagated by some of the most popular figures in our movement. For instance, the acclaimed academic Noam Chomsky described socialism as "an extension of democracy into the social sphere." Jacobin, the largest socialist publication in the United States, has published writers who explain the S …

WSWS (2023-10-30). Capitalism, German nationalism and fake populist demagogy—the program of Sahra Wagenknecht's new party. The new party is intended to prevent resistance to social decline, poverty, war and oppression from challenging the capitalist social order and uniting with the struggles of the international working class.

Sam Gindin (2023-10-29). Bidenomics and the Left. "There's something happening here | But what it is ain't exactly clear." | — "For What It's Worth," Buffalo Springfield. | The Other Crisis: | The go-to crises of the socialist left have been "American declinism" and "inter-imperial rivalry." These crises have not only been predicted by the left but often wished for, the left seeing them as doing much of the heavy lifting it cannot do on its own. This is both bad analysis and worse politics. It overstates declinism, wrongly projects the (very real) tensions between the US and China into a contest over who will lead global capitalism, and assumes… (2023-10-29). Global Insights on BRI | hail for Nepal-China friendship and hope for common growth under BRI: General Secretary of Communist Party of Nepal (UML). Cooperation between Nepal and China has an important contribution to the development of Nepal and through the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), both countries can achieve cooperative development, said Shankar Pokhrel, general secretary of the Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist-Leninist), in an exclusive interview with China News Network.

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). Germany Has a Historic Debt to the Palestinian People. By: Marcel Cartier. ​The crimes of German fascism are of a magnitude so enormous that they are almost difficult to comprehend. Without question the most heinous in its breadth was the Holocaust, the systematic attempt by the Nazi regime to annihilate the Jewish people that ultimately led to the mass murder of around two-thirds of the European Jewish population. It is only correct that today's German state would see itself as having a historic responsibility towards Jews, both at home and abroad. …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). Let the whole world speak out against Israel's savagery against the Palestinian people. By: Rabi Sankar Bosu. ​Exactly 75 years ago in 1948, the whole world watched in horror as millions of Palestinians fled their homes due to the Zionist Israeli aggression. According to the United Nations figures, Zionists have carried out massacres, 530 Palestinian villages were wiped off from the world map and 957,000 have lost their homes and become refugees living in the Gaza Strip, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria, resulting in a devastating "Nakba" (Arabic word meaning "catastrophe"). The inhuman savag …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-30). The Everyday Violence of Life in Occupied Palestine. By: Vijay Prashad. Driving along the Jordan River Valley in the Occupied Palestine Territory (OPT) of the West Bank is a stunning experience. The road is officially called Highway 90. The arable and irrigated land along this road is held militarily and illegally by Israeli settlers, many of whom are not actually Israeli citizens, but residents from the Jewish diaspora. A United Nations Commission report published in 2022 showed that this settlement activity is a crime against internation … (2023-10-30). Xi stresses forging strong sense of community for Chinese nation and promoting the high-quality development of Party's work on ethnic affairs in the new era. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee conducted the ninth group study session on forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation on the afternoon of Oct 27.

Caitlin Johnstone (2023-10-29). There's Only So Much Propaganda Spin You Can Put On The Murder Of Thousands Of Children. The thing is there's only so much propaganda spin you can put on the murder of thousands of children. | With other imperial military actions the propagandists had an easier time spinning things. Oh no those evil communists are taking over South Vietnam, we need to stop them! Oh no Saddam's got WMDs, we need to get him! Oh no Gaddafi's gonna rape and kill all those Libyans, we have a res… (2023-10-29). Xi stresses forging strong sense of community for Chinese nation. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to promote the high-quality development of the Party's work on ethnic affairs in the new era. (2023-10-29). Xi presides over meeting on promoting new breakthrough in full revitalization of Northeast China. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee convened a meeting on Oct 27 to review "The Guideline on Policies and Measures to Further Promote a New Breakthrough in the Full Revitalization of Northeast China in the New Era." Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting.

_____ (2023-10-30). The Man in the Mirror: A Glimpse at the Heart and Mind behind TRANSCEND Media Service. After spending a year of military service guarding the Brazilian President in Brasilia, he was arrested and tortured by agents of the 1964 coup d'état regime who suspected him of being a Communist based on a membership card to the Brazil-Russia Cultural Union. The 20-year-old had joined to learn how to play chess… Antonio told me he felt rage, powerlessness and the urge for revenge… But he found another way. (2023-10-29). Xi: Promoting progress, unity of all ethnic groups. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has emphasized forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to promote unity and progress of all ethnic groups across the country. (2023-10-30). Xi: Promoting progress, unity of all ethnic groups. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has emphasized forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to promote unity and progress of all ethnic groups across the country.

2023-10-30 22:45:34 | 22:45 EST | tr | 18 | 1 | 7 | 13 | 0 

2023-10-29: News Headlines

Larry Patriquin (2023-10-29). How 'Cannibal Capitalism' is devouring the planet. Smoke from wildfires in Canada engulfs New York City, June 2023. Photo by Anthony Quintano/ | Cannibal Capitalism: How our System is Devouring Democracy, Care, and the Planet — and What We Can Do About It: | Nancy Fraser | Verso, 2023 | The world is a mess. In her latest book, (2023-10-29). Global Insights on BRI | hail for Nepal-China friendship and hope for common growth under BRI: General Secretary of Communist Party of Nepal (UML). Cooperation between Nepal and China has an important contribution to the development of Nepal and through the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), both countries can achieve cooperative development, said Shankar Pokhrel, general secretary of the Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist-Leninist), in an exclusive interview with China News Network. (2023-10-28). Global Insights on BRI | hail for Nepal-China friendship and hope for common growth under BRI: General Secretary of Communist Party of Nepal (UML). Cooperation between Nepal and China has an important contribution to the development of Nepal and through the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI), both countries can achieve cooperative development, said Shankar Pokhrel, general secretary of the Communist Party of Nepal (United Marxist-Leninist), in an exclusive interview with China News Network. (2023-10-28). Global Insights on BRI | General Secretary of Communist Party of Nepal (UML): BRI will boost development of Nepal and entire South Asia. "The Belt and Road Initiative is an achievement of humankind. The concept that China has put forward through the BRI will serve as an essential contribution to the modernization of China and bring benefits to the world," said Shankar Pokhrel, General Secretary of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist—Leninist) in an exclusive interview with China News Network. (2023-10-29). Xi stresses forging strong sense of community for Chinese nation. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to promote the high-quality development of the Party's work on ethnic affairs in the new era. (2023-10-29). Xi presides over meeting on promoting new breakthrough in full revitalization of Northeast China. The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee convened a meeting on Oct 27 to review "The Guideline on Policies and Measures to Further Promote a New Breakthrough in the Full Revitalization of Northeast China in the New Era." Xi Jinping, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting. (2023-10-28). Xi stresses forging strong sense of community for Chinese nation. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to promote the high-quality development of the Party's work on ethnic affairs in the new era. (2023-10-29). Xi: Promoting progress, unity of all ethnic groups. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, has emphasized forging a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation to promote unity and progress of all ethnic groups across the country.

Leila Warah, Mondoweiss. (2023-10-28). 'Operation Al Aqsa Flood' Day 20: Israel Using Starvation As A Weapon. Gaza's population of over 2 million, which continues to be carpet bombed, is still being denied fuel, clean water, and adequate food supply by Israel's ongoing siege on the enclave. | The situation is "horrific" as millions are being "collectively punished in full view of the world," says Oxfam, a British charity focused on alleviating global poverty. | "It's estimated that only three liters of clean water are now available per person. The UN said a minimum of 15 liters a day is essential for people in the most acute humanitarian emergencies as a bare minimum," they stated.

2023-10-30 00:18:07 | 00:18 EST | rz | 11 | 3 | 6 | 6 | 1 

2023-10-25: News Headlines

Friends of Socialist China. (2023-10-24). Integrating The Basic Tenets Of Marxism With China's Specific Realities. In an address at a meeting on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping noted, "Given the rich foundations of our more than 5,000-year-old civilization, the only path for pioneering and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics is to integrate the basic tenets of Marxism with China's specific realities and with its traditional culture. This systematic conclusion, drawn from our explorations of Chinese socialism is the strongest assurance for our success." In his speech, General Secretary Xi incisively discussed the significance of integrating the basic tenets of Marxism with China…

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-10-24). The Commons Is An Antidote To The Crisis Of Capitalism. Building on a recent interview with climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann where he talked about the severity of the climate crisis and the urgent necessity of action, Clearing the FOG speaks with David Bollier of the Schumacher Center for a New Economy about the paradigm-shifting concept of The Commons. Bollier travels around the world, particularly to European and Global South countries where The Commons is part of everyday public discourse and activities to learn about ways that people are creating structures to meet their needs outside of the market and the demand for growth.

Frank Cappello (2023-10-24). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: The Wizard Of Oz (w/ Franciso Pérez).

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-10-24). Integrating the Basic Tenets of Marxism With China's Specific Realities and Traditional Culture. By Friends of Socialist China — Oct 17, 2023 | In the following article, the Theoretical Study Group under the Executive Council of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee gives a systematic explanation and historical background to General Secretary Xi Jinping's concept of the "two integrations", namely of the basic tenets of Marxism with C hina's specific realities and traditional culture. | The article quotes Xi Jinping as saying: | "Given the rich foundations of our more than 5,000-year-old civilisation, the only path for pioneering and deve… (2023-10-24). Wang Yi to visit U.S. Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, will visit the United States from Thursday to Saturday.

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-10-24). The Captive Nations Lobby. Moss Robeson 1969 AF-ABN protest in New York City to mark the 10th anniversary of Stepan Bandera's assassination by the KGB. Ivan Dochev is standing on the left. Part I: Nazi Collaborators The Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC) is well known, but its origins are not. This notorious right-wing organization is the successor to…

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-24). Cuba expresses solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Members of the National Association of Small Farmers condemned the attacks against the Palestinian civilian population, which so far have left 5,182 deaths and 17,101 injured. | Students from various levels of education denounced the atrocities perpetrated by the Zionist occupiers for decades in Palestine, in a solidarity event organized by the Union of Young Communists of Cuba. | Professors and students of the José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana held an act of solidarity with Palestine on Monday, in which they reminded warnings from Fidel Castro regarding Israel's policy of aggression, ex…

Elliott Wallace (2023-10-24). United Nations Day marks 78th anniversary of UN Charter amid ongoing global challenges. Tuesday is United Nations Day, marking the 78th anniversary of the UN Charter. | The annual day celebrates the history of the global organization, and aims to refocus public attention on its goals, from ending poverty to tackling climate change. | CGTN's Sally Patterson reports.

2023-10-25 06:09:08 | 06:09 EST | rz | 10 | 0 | 9 | 0 | 0 

2023-10-24: News Headlines

Margaret Flowers, Clearing the FOG. (2023-10-24). The Commons Is An Antidote To The Crisis Of Capitalism. Building on a recent interview with climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann where he talked about the severity of the climate crisis and the urgent necessity of action, Clearing the FOG speaks with David Bollier of the Schumacher Center for a New Economy about the paradigm-shifting concept of The Commons. Bollier travels around the world, particularly to European and Global South countries where The Commons is part of everyday public discourse and activities to learn about ways that people are creating structures to meet their needs outside of the market and the demand for growth.

Mariana Villegas-Mendoza, Resilience. (2023-10-23). How Community Energy Initiatives Can Be An Effective Tool For Degrowth. The consensus among scientists is resounding: climate change poses a grave threat to both human wellbeing and the overall health of our planet. We need to dramatically cut down on emissions across all sectors and industries, with bold actions in this decade. This process must be fair and prioritize equity, inclusion, climate and environmental justice, and social justice. | At its heart, this process calls for a reevaluation of our approach to "development". It is evident that ceaseless economic growth driven by capitalism is neither sustainable nor desirable in the long run. Instead, we should strive to downsize…

Orinoco Tribune 2 (2023-10-24). Integrating the Basic Tenets of Marxism With China's Specific Realities and Traditional Culture. By Friends of Socialist China — Oct 17, 2023 | In the following article, the Theoretical Study Group under the Executive Council of the Institute of Party History and Literature of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee gives a systematic explanation and historical background to General Secretary Xi Jinping's concept of the "two integrations", namely of the basic tenets of Marxism with C hina's specific realities and traditional culture. | The article quotes Xi Jinping as saying: | "Given the rich foundations of our more than 5,000-year-old civilisation, the only path for pioneering and deve… (2023-10-24). Wang Yi to visit U.S. Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, will visit the United States from Thursday to Saturday. (2023-10-23). Xi urges returned scholars to pool talent, strengths. President Xi Jinping has called on the Western Returned Scholars Association to rally talent from around the world and pool the strength of creativity for the development of the cause of the Communist Party of China and the country.

Luis Linares Petrov (2023-10-24). Cuba expresses solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Members of the National Association of Small Farmers condemned the attacks against the Palestinian civilian population, which so far have left 5,182 deaths and 17,101 injured. | Students from various levels of education denounced the atrocities perpetrated by the Zionist occupiers for decades in Palestine, in a solidarity event organized by the Union of Young Communists of Cuba. | Professors and students of the José Antonio Echeverría Technological University of Havana held an act of solidarity with Palestine on Monday, in which they reminded warnings from Fidel Castro regarding Israel's policy of aggression, ex…

2023-10-24 14:35:46 | 14:35 EST | rz | 8 | 0 | 3 | 5 | 0 

2023-10-17: News Headlines

WSWS (2023-10-17). Jacobin Congress in Germany promotes war and capitalist policies. The congress had nothing to do with left-wing politics, let alone "socialism."

Zoe Alexandra, People's Dispatch. (2023-10-16). Socialism Is Not Just A Possibility, It Is The Only Possibility. What does socialism and building socialism mean to the leaders of mass movements and left political parties from across the world? This question is at the center of the debates for the next several days at the III International Dilemmas of Humanity Conference in Johannesburg, South Africa. Around 500 movement leaders, trade unionists, and members of left parties from more than 70 countries are partaking in the conference which will culminate on October 18, 2023. | The conference is organized by the International Peoples' Assembly (IPA) and hosted by the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA), Abah…

Editor (2023-10-17). Class Leaders and 'Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism'. The basic aim of 'Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism: Class, Class Consciousness and Activism in the "Knowledge Economy"' is to bring class back into thinking about capitalism and alternatives.

Pacifica's Capitalism, Racism & Democracy (2023-10-17). Palestine Resists US-Sponsored Israeli Occupation-Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy. Pacifica's Capitalism, Race and Democracy covers Israeli's occupation and the war on Gaza.

Editor (2023-10-16). The Illusion of Green Capitalism.

Frank Cappello (2023-10-17). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: Antz (w/ Max Epstein).

Zoe Alexandra (2023-10-17). Can capitalism solve the environmental crisis? Every year government officials, think tanks, NGOs, and representatives of the "private sector" convene in the Conference of the Parties (COP) to discuss what actions world leaders should take regarding the climate crisis. This illustrious meeting is sponsored by the world's largest transnational companies such as Unilever, Danone, Bayer, Nestlé, and others, companies that are responsible for a large part of the environmental devastation that has brought our world to the brink. | As such, the discussions which take place in such a space, are rarely ever able to point to the real culprit and much less so, demand t…

WSWS (2023-10-16). The Declaration of the 46. The Declaration of the 46 is considered the founding document of the Left Opposition, which led the struggle by the Marxist and internationalist wing of the Russian Communist Party and the Communist International against the Stalinist betrayal of the October Revolution.

Mark Weisbrot, Center for Economic, Policy Research. (2023-10-16). Ecuador's Election Could Have Lasting Consequences. Imagine a developing country where a 43-year-old economist with a PhD from the University of Illinois, who is relatively unknown as a politician, runs for president and wins. Despite the preceding decades of corruption and institutional rot, he puts together a competent government and gets the economic policy right. The numbers tell much of the story: in the 10 years of his presidency, poverty fell by 41 percent; income per person grew at more than twice the rate of the previous 25 years; and public investment and government expenditure on health services doubled as a share of the economy.

Pavel López Lazo (2023-10-17). UNDP prioritizes poverty eradication with a female approach. Panama, Oct 17 (Prensa Latina) Putting an end to multidimensional poverty with focus on women is priority for the UN Development Program (UNDP), the UNDP Director of the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean Michelle Muschett said. (2023-10-17). Pakistan's PM says Belt and Road comes with benefits. Pakistani Prime Minister Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar has lauded the Belt and Road Initiative for having "advanced inclusive development to reduce poverty and inequality, improved people's ability to pay taxes and enhanced governments' ability to retire their debts".

2023-10-17 21:13:01 | 21:13 EST | tr | 13 | 0 | 4 | 8 | 0 

2023-10-16: News Headlines

Luis De Jesus Reyes, Zoe Alexandra (2023-10-15). Moving from rhetoric to action to build socialism. Dilemmas of Humanity will address the obstacles and possibilities of the peoples in their struggle for a more just world far removed from the oppressive capitalist system…

Luis De Jesus Reyes (2023-10-15). Moving from rhetoric to action to build socialism. The organization of the working class internationally, the right of people to health and housing, food sovereignty and the rights of immigrants were at the center of the discussion on Sunday October 15 of the III International Conference Dilemmas of Humanity taking place in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. | On the second day of the meeting, attended by around 500 delegates from more than 70 countries, the presentations were once again centered around the main dilemmas facing humanity today due to the prevailing capitalist system and the advance of imperialism in every corner of the planet. | The day began…

Luis De Jesus Reyes (2023-10-15). Pasar de la retórica a la acción para construir el socialismo. En el segundo dia de la III Conferencia Internacional Dilemas de la Humanidad, líderes discutieron los retos y las tareas principales para organizar la clase trabajadora…

Zoe Alexandra (2023-10-15). "Socialism is not just a possibility, it is the only possibility": left leaders gather in Johannesburg. The III International Dilemmas of Humanity will run from October 14 to 18 in Constitution Hill in Johannesburg…

Zoe Alexandra (2023-10-15). "Socialism is not just a possibility, it is the only possibility": left leaders gather in Johannesburg. Around 500 movement leaders, trade unionists, and members of left parties from more than 70 countries are partaking in the conference…

Rob Urie (2023-10-15). Is It Fascism Yet? Image by Alexander Grey. | "Is fascism merely a dictatorial force in the service of capitalism? That may not be all it is, but that certainly is an important part of fascism's raison d'etre, the function Hitler himself kept referring to when he talked about saving the industrialists and bankers from Bolshevism." | — Michael Parenti, The question of fascism in the US of A is both tedious and necessary because of the ways in which the term has been weaponized in recent years.

D. W. Livingstone (2023-10-15). Class Leaders and Tipping Point for Advanced Capitalism. We are living in the most dangerous time for the human species since our early origins. The massive numbers of wildfires destroying large swaths of Canada and elsewhere this summer are one sign among many that we are mere years away from irreversible environmental degradation. The Ukraine War reminds us that we are within a few minutes of nuclear winter. We are witnessing historic highs in the inequitable concentration of wealth and lows in popular confidence in elected governments. The capitalist system is driven by the obsessive need to turn every conceivable material good and service into profitable commodi…

WSWS (2023-10-16). The Declaration of the 46. The Declaration of the 46 is considered the founding document of the Left Opposition, which led the struggle by the Marxist and internationalist wing of the Russian Communist Party and the Communist International against the Stalinist betrayal of the October Revolution. (2023-10-15). Xi stresses high-quality development of Yangtze River Economic Belt. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, delivered an important speech at a symposium on advancing the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt (YREB).

thecommunists (2023-10-15). Association of United Ukrainian Canadians condemns honouring of Nazis. This statement was published by the Association Of United Ukrainian Canadians Branch 2 Edmonton on 29 September 2023. ***** The Edmonton Branch of the Association of United Ukrainian Canadians (AUUC) condemns the honouring of a Nazi Ukrainian World War 2 veteran, a member of the notorious 14th Waffen SS division 'Halychyna', in the House of …

thecommunists (2023-10-15). Rewriting history, rehabilitating nazism. As the fallout from the appearance of former Galician division member Yaroslav Hunka in the Canadian parliament continues, the final nail appears to have been hammered into the coffin of western governments' attempts to whitewash the presence and influence of neo-nazis in today's Ukraine. However, it now looks as if the falsification of history is …

2023-10-16 14:41:07 | 14:41 EST | rz | 13 | 1 | 10 | 1 | 0 

2023-10-13: News Headlines

DJ Mouse (2023-10-13). Suds, Snacks, and Socialism at the Starry Plough, Why We Need Alternative Media. hosted be Marsha Feinland w/ panelists Ann Garrison, Frank Sterling and Ken Epstein…

DJ Mouse (2023-10-12). Suds, Snacks, and Socialism at the Starry Plough, Why We Need Alternative Media. hosted be Marsha Feinland w/ panelists Ann Garrison, Frank Sterling and Ken Epstein…

Peoples Dispatch (2023-10-12). People's movements around the world will gather in Johannesburg to dream up a socialist future. South Africa prepares to host historic conference on dialogues towards socialism featuring 500 political leaders, intellectuals, and members of mass movements…

WSWS (2023-10-13). Reject all capitalist parties in New Zealand's crisis election! Join the Socialist Equality Group! For workers and young people who want to fight against war and oppression, and for an end to capitalism, the only option is to oppose Labour, National and all their allies and build the Socialist Equality Group.

Juan Cole (2023-10-12). Is California's Climate Lawsuit against Big Oil a Gamechanger? The depths of depravity into which unvarnished capitalism can plunge mortal souls is incalculable. It should come as no surprise then that oil company executives and the officials of petrostates like Saudi Arabia have so assiduously lied to us about the catastrophic effects of climate change. After all, the executives of tobacco firms have been perfectly content

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). A decade of BRI development transforms China's Xinjiang region into a core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt By: Li Xuanmin in Urumqi and Horgos>. ​A decade of BRI development transforms the region into a core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt On Sunday morning, workers were harvesting grapes on farmland in Yining county in Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Ili, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The freshly-picked fruit was then uploaded onto a truck, headed to Kazakhstan via highway, and within six hours, it would be delivered to the Kazakhstani market and sold to the local consumers."It used to take two to …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). Decades before Snowden, this American patriot waged war against illegal surveillance in the US By: Robert Bridge. ​In the 1970s, US Army Captain Christopher Pyle blew the lid on government agencies' domestic spying Former undercover agent Christopher Pyle testifies before the Senate Constitutional Rights subcommittee that the Army has spied on politicians and thousands of ordinary Americans on February 24, 1971. © Bettmann Archive/Getty Images In 1970, a US Army captain went rogue after he discovered that the military was conducting surveillance on dissidents across …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). How Western media, social media influencers peddle lies to vilify Palestinians By: Shabbir Rizvi. Since the Hamas-led Palestinian resistance operation "Al Aqsa Storm" on Saturday, mainstream Western media and social media influencers have been aggressively pushing Zionist narratives as part of a murky disinformation campaign against the resistance.The multi-front information war is designed to control the narrative around anything surrounding the Palestinian issue and the latest military operation that has shaken the foundation of the regime.Now more than ever, i …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). Israeli terror against Palestinians is behind the war in the Mideast By: John Wojick. People stand outside a mosque destroyed in an Israeli air strike in Khan Younis, Gaza Strip, Sunday, Oct.8, 2023. AP Photo/Yousef Masoud At a minimum hundreds of Israelis and even more Palestinians have already been killed in violence now marked by constant barbaric air raids Israel has unleashed on the territory of Gaza, a small enclave near the southern tip of Israel that is literally an outdoor prison for its 2 million Palestinian inhabitants.​People in Gaza cannot leave there a …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). The Moral Imperative of Unconditional Decolonization. By: Yanis Iqbal. Naomi Klein's article "Why are some of the left celebrating the killings of Israeli Jews?" is a ragbag of liberal rhetoric. Some unspecified leftists are criticized for celebrating the anti-Jew violence of Operation Al-Aqsa Flood. By minimizing the massacre of Israeli civilians, these leftists are said to be fueling the sense of insecurity among Jews that drives Zionist settler-colonialism. Klein desires for "n international left rooted in values that side with …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-13). The Savagery of the War Against the Palestinian People. By: Vijay Prashad. ​Who knows how many Palestinian civilians will be killed by the time this report is published? Among the bodies that cannot be taken to a hospital or a morgue, because there will be no petrol or electricity, will be large numbers of children. They will have hidden in their homes, listening to the sound of the Israeli F-16 bombers coming closer and closer, the explosions advancing toward them like a swarm of red ants on the chase. They will have covered their ears with their hands, c …

Internationalist 360 ∞ (2023-10-12). From River to Sea: Interview with a Comrade of the PFLP. Beir Bua Resistance Reports Q: The PFLP is of course a socialist, Marxist-Leninist political party, and generally aims for a Palestine free from both national and class oppression. What is the specific program of the PFLP, and also what separates the PFLP from other Palestinian factions? A: The Arab popular movement, with its different nationalist,…

The Lancet (2023-10-14). Editorial] The future of work and health. The world of work is changing rapidly. Estimates suggest that by as early as 2025, employers will divide work equally between human beings and machines, disrupting 85 million jobs globally. A move towards automation and outsourcing is in direct contrast to the political dialogue, which has framed employment as the antidote to poverty. Most people assume that employment with good working conditions is good for health: it offers connection, community, and purpose. Sustainable Development Goal 8 calls for achieving full and productive employment and decent work for all by 2030.

Phyllis Bennis (2023-10-13). Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War! If the United States can't learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.

Phyllis Bennis (2023-10-12). Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War! If the United States can't learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.

2023-10-13 19:33:17 | 19:33 EST | rz | 17 | 0 | 5 | 9 | 1 

2023-10-12: News Headlines

DJ Mouse (2023-10-12). Suds, Snacks, and Socialism at the Starry Plough, Why We Need Alternative Media. hosted be Marsha Feinland w/ panelists Ann Garrison, Frank Sterling and Ken Epstein…

DJ Mouse (2023-10-11). Suds, Snacks, and Socialism at the Starry Plough, Why We Need Alternative Media. hosted be Marsha Feinland w/ panelists Ann Garrison, Frank Sterling and Ken Epstein…

midwesternmarx (2023-10-11). Remembering Allende and His Project Cybersyn. By: Prabir Purkayastha. FIFTY years back, Pinochet's coup destroyed Allende's government and the structure of liberal democracy in Chile. Allende died with a machine gun in his hands, defending his attempt to build socialism in Chile against the combined power of the US and the forces of reaction in Chile, including the military. For people of my generation, this story is well-known, as along with liberation struggles in Vietnam and Africa, Chile was very much what brought us to the streets in solidarity. What i …

Juan Cole (2023-10-12). Is California's Climate Lawsuit against Big Oil a Gamechanger? The depths of depravity into which unvarnished capitalism can plunge mortal souls is incalculable. It should come as no surprise then that oil company executives and the officials of petrostates like Saudi Arabia have so assiduously lied to us about the catastrophic effects of climate change. After all, the executives of tobacco firms have been perfectly content

midwesternmarx (2023-10-11). A decade of BRI development transforms China's Xinjiang region into a core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt. By: Li Xuanmin in Urumqi and Horgos>. On Sunday morning, workers were harvesting grapes on farmland in Yining county in Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Ili, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The freshly-picked fruit was then uploaded onto a truck, headed to Kazakhstan via highway, and within six hours, it would be delivered to the Kazakhstani market and sold to the local consumers."It used to take two to three days to ship goods from Xinjiang to Kazakhstan, but the time has been reduced to only half a day sin …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-11). The US Left Must Unwaveringly Stand for Palestinian Freedom. By: Carlos L. Garrido. The US "socialist" left currently playing the bothsides-ism game with Israeli genocide of Palestinians in the name of some bullshit notion of 'nuance,' must remember the words of Howard Zinn: "You can't be neutral on a moving train."Nothing is accomplished with an abstract support of Palestine when it's convenient. It is when the empire's ideological apparatuses are pumping out atrocity propaganda to dehumanize Palestinian anti-colonia … (2023-10-11). 18th National Congress of ACFTU opens in Beijing. The 18th National Congress of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of October 9. Xi Jinping and other leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the state including Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi attended the meeting. Cai Qi delivered a speech on behalf of the CPC Central Committee.

Phyllis Bennis (2023-10-12). Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War! If the United States can't learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty. (2023-10-11). Cliff road leads to prosperity in Chongqing. The "sinkhole village" had long struggled against poverty until one day villagers decided to carve out a mountain road on their own. After 7 years, a 8-kilometer cliff road was carved out by villagers to the outside world in 2004.

Peter Certo (2023-10-11). In OtherWords: October 11, 2023. This week in OtherWords, we've got two more strong pieces on the structural causes of poverty to complement our issue from last week. | First, Amy Adams riffs on Jason Aldean's controversial country song, "Try That in a Small Town." It's not more fear or vigilantism that small towns need, Amy says — it's public investment. She shares Second, Jim Hightower calls out gentrification in a surprising plac…

WSWS (2023-10-11). WSWS speaks to workers and student ahead of New Zealand election. Workers and students who spoke with the WSWS described worsening poverty, soaring living costs, and denounced the pro-imperialist positions of the Labour and National parties.

Phyllis Bennis (2023-10-11). Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War! If the United States can't learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.

2023-10-12 08:37:17 | 08:37 EST | tr | 14 | 0 | 11 | 3 | 0 

2023-10-11: News Headlines

DJ Mouse (2023-10-11). Suds, Snacks, and Socialism at the Starry Plough, Why We Need Alternative Media. hosted be Marsha Feinland w/ panelists Ann Garrison, Frank Sterling and Ken Epstein…

midwesternmarx (2023-10-11). Remembering Allende and His Project Cybersyn. By: Prabir Purkayastha. FIFTY years back, Pinochet's coup destroyed Allende's government and the structure of liberal democracy in Chile. Allende died with a machine gun in his hands, defending his attempt to build socialism in Chile against the combined power of the US and the forces of reaction in Chile, including the military. For people of my generation, this story is well-known, as along with liberation struggles in Vietnam and Africa, Chile was very much what brought us to the streets in solidarity. What i …

Annelise Whitley (2023-10-10). Getting Mad and Getting Even. The depths of depravity into which unvarnished capitalism can plunge mortal souls is incalculable. It should come as no surprise then that oil company executives and the officials of petrostates like Saudi Arabia have so assiduously lied to us about the catastrophic effects of climate change. After all, the executives of tobacco firms have been perfectly content to sell consumers a product long known and virtually guaranteed to cut their lives short, while lying about its harmful effects for decades. Likewise, the courts have now made the pharmaceutical industry's responsibility for and grasp of the opioid crisis…

Frank Cappello (2023-10-10). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: 9 to 5 (w/ Patricia Resnick). On this week's Movies vs. Capitalism, hosts Rivka Rivera and Frank Cappello are joined by Patricia Resnick, screenwriter of the iconic 1980 dark comedy 9 to 5, for a deep-dive conversation about the radical pro-labor film.üéßLISTEN NOW by selecting your podcast player of choice: |

Juan Cole (2023-10-10). Is California's Climate Lawsuit Against Big Oil an Inflection Point? The depths of depravity into which unvarnished capitalism can plunge mortal souls is incalculable. It should come as no surprise then that oil company executives and the officials of petrostates like Saudi Arabia have so assiduously lied to us about the catastrophic effects of climate change. After all, the executives of tobacco firms have been perfectly content to sell consumers a product long… |

Sonali Kolhatkar (2023-10-10). Labor education starts in schoolÔøº. Giving K-12 students the language, information, and tools they need to protect themselves from workplace exploitation is a critical tool to reversing the nation's capitalism-fueled inequality.

midwesternmarx (2023-10-11). A decade of BRI development transforms China's Xinjiang region into a core area of the Silk Road Economic Belt. By: Li Xuanmin in Urumqi and Horgos>. On Sunday morning, workers were harvesting grapes on farmland in Yining county in Kazak Autonomous Prefecture of Ili, Northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. The freshly-picked fruit was then uploaded onto a truck, headed to Kazakhstan via highway, and within six hours, it would be delivered to the Kazakhstani market and sold to the local consumers."It used to take two to three days to ship goods from Xinjiang to Kazakhstan, but the time has been reduced to only half a day sin …

midwesternmarx (2023-10-11). The US Left Must Unwaveringly Stand for Palestinian Freedom. By: Carlos L. Garrido. The US "socialist" left currently playing the bothsides-ism game with Israeli genocide of Palestinians in the name of some bullshit notion of 'nuance,' must remember the words of Howard Zinn: "You can't be neutral on a moving train."Nothing is accomplished with an abstract support of Palestine when it's convenient. It is when the empire's ideological apparatuses are pumping out atrocity propaganda to dehumanize Palestinian anti-colonia …

Fran Shor (2023-10-10). Skepticism of the Will. The formulation, often attributed to the Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci — "pessimism of the intellect; optimism of the will" — actually originated with the French writer and pacifist, Romain Rolland. Rolland, along with many other well-known pacifists, had opposed the slaughter called at the time, the "Great War," and, later designated, the First World War,

Fran Shor (2023-10-10). Skepticism of the Will. The formulation, often attributed to the Italian Marxist, Antonio Gramsci — "pessimism of the intellect; optimism of the will" — actually originated with the French writer and pacifist, Romain Rolland. Rolland, along with many other well-known pacifists, had opposed the slaughter called at the time, the "Great War," and, later designated, the First World War, (2023-10-11). 18th National Congress of ACFTU opens in Beijing. The 18th National Congress of the All-China Federation of Trade Unions (ACFTU) opened at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on the morning of October 9. Xi Jinping and other leaders of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the state including Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi attended the meeting. Cai Qi delivered a speech on behalf of the CPC Central Committee. (2023-10-10). Xi makes instructions on work of public communication and culture. Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, recently made important instructions on the work of public communication and culture. He pointed out that the work is extremely crucial to the future and destiny of the Party, the long-term stability of the country, and the cohesion and centripetal force of the nation.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-10). China's CP expels former Everbright Group president for corruption. Beijing, Oct 10 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of China (CPC) expelled Li Xiaopeng, former chairman of China Everbright Group, accused of severe violations of discipline and law.

G. Dunkel (2023-10-10). Haiti, Kenya and imperialist maneuvering. Bulletin: According to an Oct. 9 comment from the Communist Party of Kenya on X, a "Nairobi Court has temporarily halted the planned deployment of police officers to Haiti," calling this ruling "a significant step in ensuring justice." About half of all Haitians don't get enough food on a daily . . . | (2023-10-11). Cliff road leads to prosperity in Chongqing. The "sinkhole village" had long struggled against poverty until one day villagers decided to carve out a mountain road on their own. After 7 years, a 8-kilometer cliff road was carved out by villagers to the outside world in 2004.

Peter Certo (2023-10-11). In OtherWords: October 11, 2023. This week in OtherWords, we've got two more strong pieces on the structural causes of poverty to complement our issue from last week. | First, Amy Adams riffs on Jason Aldean's controversial country song, "Try That in a Small Town." It's not more fear or vigilantism that small towns need, Amy says — it's public investment. She shares Second, Jim Hightower calls out gentrification in a surprising plac…

WSWS (2023-10-11). WSWS speaks to workers and student ahead of New Zealand election. Workers and students who spoke with the WSWS described worsening poverty, soaring living costs, and denounced the pro-imperialist positions of the Labour and National parties.

Liz Theoharis (2023-10-10). Abandoning the poor. Or confronting the needless scourge of poverty.

Ileana Ferrer Fonte (2023-10-10). China's CP expels former Everbright Group president for corruption. Beijing, Oct 10 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of China (CPC) expelled Li Xiaopeng, former chairman of China Everbright Group, accused of severe violations of discipline and law.

G. Dunkel (2023-10-10). Haiti, Kenya and imperialist maneuvering. Bulletin: According to an Oct. 9 comment from the Communist Party of Kenya on X, a "Nairobi Court has temporarily halted the planned deployment of police officers to Haiti," calling this ruling "a significant step in ensuring justice." About half of all Haitians don't get enough food on a daily . . . | (2023-10-11). Cliff road leads to prosperity in Chongqing. The "sinkhole village" had long struggled against poverty until one day villagers decided to carve out a mountain road on their own. After 7 years, a 8-kilometer cliff road was carved out by villagers to the outside world in 2004.

Peter Certo (2023-10-11). In OtherWords: October 11, 2023. This week in OtherWords, we've got two more strong pieces on the structural causes of poverty to complement our issue from last week. | First, Amy Adams riffs on Jason Aldean's controversial country song, "Try That in a Small Town." It's not more fear or vigilantism that small towns need, Amy says — it's public investment. She shares Second, Jim Hightower calls out gentrification in a surprising plac…

WSWS (2023-10-11). WSWS speaks to workers and student ahead of New Zealand election. Workers and students who spoke with the WSWS described worsening poverty, soaring living costs, and denounced the pro-imperialist positions of the Labour and National parties.

Liz Theoharis (2023-10-10). Abandoning the poor. Or confronting the needless scourge of poverty.

Phyllis Bennis (2023-10-11). Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War! If the United States can't learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.

1942-10-07 03:42:00 | 03:42 EST | tr | 29 | 0 | 14 | 15 | 0