Daily Archives: November 21, 2023

2023-11-21: News Headlines

Horacio Rovelli (2023-11-20). Anarco-capitalismo: Si el Estado no planifica el futuro, los grupos financieros lo harán. globalizacion.ca David Ricardo (1722-1823) fue uno de los padres de la economía política, con dos grandes méritos. El primero: fundamentar la teoría valor-trabajo, esto es, la economía es el trabajo de transformación de los elementos que nos brinda la naturaleza para…

Bruce Lerro (2023-11-21). Collectivist, Individualist and Communist Selves Part II. dissidentvoice.org Summary of Part I In Part I of my article, we began by distinguishing the social self from two forms of identity that are often confused with it: temperament and personality. The focus of part one is to show how very social (or even socialist) was the work of social psychologist George Herbert Mead. We …

WSWS (2023-11-21). MGM Grand Detroit casino workers reject contract betrayal, continue strike. wsws.org Striking MGM Grand casino workers have voted down a supposed "historic" agreement that would have kept workers locked into poverty rates of pay as gaming profits surge.

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