Daily Archives: November 26, 2023

2023-11-26: News Headlines

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Cuba's economists committed to Che's example. By: Pedro Ríoseco López-Trigo. midwesternmarx.com On the eve of Economist's Day, it is important to review some aspects of Che's core ideas on the Political Economy of Socialism and especially when for some the solution to current problems is to completely free the market and reduce the role of the State in the economy. ​In the Constituent Congress of the National Association of Economists and Accountants of Cuba (ANEC), in 1979, November 26 was established as Economist's Day, in tribute to the appointment of Ernesto Che Guevara o …

Ann Brown (2023-11-25). Scholar Charisse Burden-Stelly Releases New Book on Racial Capitalism: 'Black Scare/Red Scare'. moguldom.com Acclaimed scholar Dr. Charisse Burden-Stelly, an associate professor of African American Studies at Wayne State University, has unveiled her latest book, "Black Scare/Red Scare: Theorizing Capitalist Racism in the United States." In this work, Dr. Burden-Stelly does a deep dive into the intertwined histories of anti-Black racial oppression and anti-communist repression in the U.S., shedding …

reenvia Red Latina sin fronteras (2023-11-25). Argentina: La anomalía salvaje. indybay.org Argentina: La anomalía salvaje | 14 millones votaron para que llegue a dominar la motosierra ultraneolliberal: anarcocapitalismo…

WSWS (2023-11-25). The election of Milei and the breakdown of Peronism and bourgeois democracy in Argentina. wsws.org The most important question raised by the Argentine elections is why mass outrage over conditions imposed by capitalism led to the election of the profit system's most extreme right-wing defenders.

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Forward Ever: 40 Years on from the End of the Revolution and the U.S. Invasion of Grenada. By: Amy Li Baksh. midwesternmarx.com In the throes of the Cold War, a tiny Caribbean island dared to wage a revolutionary experiment. As the Revo imploded, the United States invaded. Dear Comradesif it must beyou speak no more with menor smile no more with menor march no more with methen let me takea patience and a calmfor even now the greener leaf explodessun brightens stoneand all the river burns.Now from the mourning vanguard moving ondear Comrades I salute you and I sayDeath will not find us thinking that we die.— …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Gaza: a pause before the storm. By: Pepe Escobar. midwesternmarx.com The US and its allies will continue backing Israel's war on Gaza after a brief truce. But as the case for 'genocide' grows stronger, the new multipolar powers will have to confront the old hegemons and their Rules-Based Chaos. ​While the world cries "Israeli genocide," the Biden White House is gushing over the upcoming Gaza truce it helped broker, as though it's actually "on the verge" of its "biggest diplomatic victory." ​Be …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Gaza war shatters west's Global South clout. By: Mohamad Hasan Sweidan. midwesternmarx.com ​On 15 November, The Guardian caused a social media stir by removing a letter from its website written by the late Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, titled "A Letter to America." The missive, which had remained on the media outlet's site for over two decades, delved into the reasons behind the fateful 9/11 attacks on the US, which it said was a response to US injustices in Afghanistan, Palestine, and other parts of the Islamic world. ​Bin Laden's letter …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Hamas: From Al-Aqsa Intifada to Al-Aqsa Flood. By: Sammy Ismail. midwesternmarx.com Any sympathizer with the Palestinian cause must recognize the aptness of the Palestinian people's decision to resist and achieve liberation. Solidarity is not about pitying the Palestinians for their grave suffering but rather honoring their will to resist their oppressors. ​I won't rest until I plant my heaven in this world. Or I'll uproot the world's heavens from it -Ghassan Kanafani ​Hamas: rising as the military vanguard in Palestine Hamas, which l …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). Israel Is Assassinating Journalists in Gaza. By: Amanda Yee. midwesternmarx.com As part of its genocidal onslaught on Gaza, Israel is killing media workers at an unprecedented rate, seemingly to prevent the world from seeing the unspeakable atrocities it carries out. Israel is intentionally assassinating journalists in Gaza. As it wages its genocidal onslaught on the enclave, having murdered at least 13,000 Palestinians so far, Israel is simultaneously killing media workers in order to prevent the world from seeing the unspeakable atrocities it carries out.&#82 …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). The Eviction Notice Is Being Written, and Will Come in Four Languages. By: Pepe Escobar. midwesternmarx.com ​The Eviction Notice is being written. And it will come in four languages. Russian. Farsi. Mandarin. And last but not least, English.​A much-cherished pleasure of professional writing is to always be enriched by informed readers. This "eviction" insight — worth a thousand geopolitical treatises — was offered by one of my sharpest readers commenting on a column.Concisely, what we have here expresses a deeply felt consensus across the spectrum n …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). The immensity of a man. By: Mailenys Oliva Ferrales. midwesternmarx.com Inexhaustible presence, image of the dream fulfilled and truth of a country, Fidel continues to inhabit us from the survival, and emerging undefeated in the endearing memory of those who lived his time ​Seven Novembers have passed since his physical departure and, however, Fidel continues to inhabit us since his survival, with that inexhaustible presence that emanates from his eternal and inescapable legacy, and from the endearing memory of those who lived his time.And it could not …

midwesternmarx (2023-11-26). US & Israel Dead-Last in Following UN Charter. By: Jeffrey D. Sachs and Guillaume Lafortune. midwesternmarx.com As part of our academic research on how to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we are examining the extent to which U.N. member states adhere to the U.N. Charter and U.N.-backed goals such as the SDGs.Towards this end, we have created a preliminary "Multilateralism Index" and welcome feedback and suggestions. The ranking of 74 countries according to the Multilateralism Index is shown below. Barbados ranks highest, the U.N. member most aligned with the U.N. Charter. Thou …

Erica Caines, Hood Communist. (2023-11-26). Community Control For A Zone Of Peace. popularresistance.org Earlier this year, in January, I had the privilege of spending ten days on the Women In Nicaragua: Power and Protagonism delegation which was organized by the Jubilee House Community — Casa Benjamin Linder and Alliance for Global Justice. This was nothing short of a life changing trip. This opportunity came by way of a sponsorship so I want to encourage you all in donating to allow another person this same opportunity. Because I promise you, I have not been the same since I've returned. | I've often described my trip in January as nothing short of life changing. So when given the chance to return in July le…

John Perry (2023-11-26). US Sanctions Hit Nicaragua's Social Investment Programs. orinocotribune.com By John Perry — Nov 7, 2023 | John Perry is based in Masaya, Nicaragua, and writes for the Council on Hemispheric Affairs, London Review of Books, FAIR and other outlets. | Which country spends nearly two-thirds of its budget on tackling poverty? When I met Nicaragua's finance minister, Ivan Acosta, he had just presented his 2024 budget to its National Assembly, and he made clear that a large part of it is aimed at doing just that. | In cash terms, Nicaragua's government will spend about 24% more in 2024 than in the current year, which includes a huge increase (43%) in public sector investment. Acosta explai…

Trade Unions for Energy Democracy. (2023-11-26). Argentina is Not For Sale: Unions Respond to Privatization. popularresistance.org Argentines weary of annual inflation soaring above 140% and a poverty rate that reached 40% have elected right-wing libertarian economist Javier Milei. On Sunday, November 19, 2023, Milei defeated Economy Minister Sergio Massa by a wide margin, 55.7% to 44.3%, winning all but three of the nation's 24 provinces. He had campaigned on the promise to privatise state-owned enterprises, slash government spending, dollarise the economy, eliminate the Central Bank, and close key ministries, among them health and education. | Milei is making the privatisation of the Argentine state-run oil company, YPF, a top priority. "T…

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