2023-08-09: News Headlines

Paciifca's Capitalism, Race & Democracy (2023-08-09). TX School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist. indybay.org On Pacifica's Capitalism, Race & Democracy covers Texas School Libraries under Threat; UPS Teamsters Question New Contract; Russian Socialist Academic Arrested; Dr Mutulu Shakur Presente!

teleSUR, nama, JCM (2023-08-09). Bolivia rechaza instalación de bases de EE.UU. en la Amazonía. telesurtv.net Presidente Luis Arce destacó la necesidad de impulsar un trabajo conjunto y coordinado para enfrentar la deforestación.

Ajamu Baraka (2023-08-09). War in Africa and War in the Americas: Accelerating the End of White World Supremacy. orinocotribune.com By Ajamu Baraka — Aug 2, 2023 | The structural crisis of capitalism in its neoliberal form has created a legitimacy crisis for the capitalist rulers, making the use of force a permanent strategy for maintaining their dominance. (from the The US recently deployed troops to Peru to shore-up the coup in that country, followed by the deployment of troops to Ecuador and the bizarre AFRICOM plan to insert Kenya and Rwanda forces all the way from Africa to Haiti to support the illegitimate Ar…

The Tricontinental (2023-08-08). Dossier no. 67: Dependency and Super-exploitation: The Relationship between Foreign Capital and Social Struggles in Latin America. mronline.org In the different countries of the world, capitalism is shaped and consolidated not only by the general logic of this mode of production, but also by the social, historical, and cultural conditions of each country. The way each country and region understand the forms of accumulation and expansion of capitalism is fundamental to the class struggle.

Frank Cappello (2023-08-08). MOVIES VS. CAPITALISM: John Q (w/ Nina Turner). levernews.com

thecommunists (2023-08-09). Alex Mckay: Trade unions can do more than fight for narrow wage increases. thecommunists.org On Saturday 29 July, the CPGB-ML held a seminar in London on trade unionism and working-class leadership, with particular reference to the aspects of the question that are dealt with in our new pamphlet: Manifesto for the Crisis: Class Against Class. Comrade Alexander Mckay (of Red Star Radio, the Marx Engels Lenin Institute and the …

Bruce Lerro (2023-08-08). Why Neopagan Marxists are Not Pantheists or Animists. dissidentvoice.org Orientation In human life it is clear that we are external nature — we have an affinity with other life forms like primates as real, objective beings. However, we also have an internal nature — a psychology — of mental states, goals, imagination and sexual urges that is internal to us. We know from cosmologists …

thecommunists (2023-08-08). What is happening in the Russian economy? thecommunists.org Ever since the treacherous 'secret' speech given by Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1956, the reputation of the revolutionary period of socialist construction in the USSR (personified in the figure of Josef Stalin) has been routinely traduced and slandered to the descendants of those who built it — first by revisionist leaders and then by …

WSWS (2023-08-09). Mobilize workers and students against U-M's strikebreaking threats! Reject the sellout contract! wsws.org The University of Michigan administration sent a letter to all 2,200 GSIs/GSSAs demanding that they accept the "offer" of poverty wages presented to the Graduate Employees Organization in May.

isabella (2023-08-08). Another Chance to Reduce Child Poverty. inequality.org

teleSUR (2023-08-08). Latin American Leaders Join in IV Amazon Summit. telesurenglish.net The presidents and minister delegates of the signatory countries of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) issued a final declaration on Tuesday at the IV Amazon Summit in which they pledged to strengthen a common agenda for the region, focused on environmental protection and the fight against poverty. | RELATED: | The IV presidential summit of ACTO, is being held in the Brazilian city of Belém on August 8…

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