2024-10-06: News Headlines

Editor (2024-10-06). 100% Tariffs on China's EVs: Is this Canada's "Just Transition"? socialistproject.ca The Liberal government recently imposed a 100 percent tariff on Chinese-made electric vehicles (EVs). What's at stake in this move? Is this simply another attempt to cozy up to America's new cold war against China? Is it an attempt to gain support from autoworkers in the leadup to the next federal election? EVs may not be the only answer to the climate catastrophe we face today, but are they part of the solution? Panelists discuss Canada-China relations and the environment. | Sam Gindin is co-author (with the late Leo Panitch) of The Making of Global Capitalism (Verso) and the former research d…

A a (2024-10-06). NATO further shackles 75 year-old Communist China in its spider webs of island chains. strategic-culture.su

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