2022-06-14: News Headlines

Staff (2022-06-14). Ruta crítica de la vigencia: El socialismo y el hombre en Cuba 57 años después. cubadebate.cu Un tema recurrente en los debates historiográficos y de pensamiento tiene que ver con la vigencia de las ideas, personalidades y procesos revolucionarios; con las relaciones entre experiencias precedentes y la contemporaneidad. Es precisamente por el veleidoso asunto de la "vigencia" que comienzo esta aproximación a El socialismo y el hombre en Cuba.

Fight Back (2022-06-13). Red Theory: The contradiction between town and country. fightbacknews.org Much is made of what is often referred to as the urban/rural divide. There is a fundamental disconnect, we are told, between the people from the cities and the rural population. Marx and Engels called this contradiction the division between town and country. Marxism-Leninism can help us understand this contradiction, how it arose historically, and how it can be overcome. | When we think of this contradiction, a lot of things come to mind. We may think of the distinction between more conservative "red states" and more liberal "blue states." We think of disparities in terms of education and infrastructure. We may t…

Rqorinoco (2022-06-13). Marcello Musto's Anthology of Karl Marx's Writings on Alienation (Book Review). orinocotribune.com By Carlos L. Garrido | Marcello Musto's anthology of Karl Marx's Writings on Alienation

Cameron Orr (2022-06-13). Today's Poor People's Campaign carries on MLK's fight for economic justice. peoplesworld.org Co-chaired by Rev. William J. Barber II and Liz Theoharis, the Poor People's Campaign began in May 2018 with 40 days of coordinated action at statehouses across the U.S. to confront systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and the war economy. Now mobilizing for a massive June 18th "Mass Poor People's and Low Wage Workers' …

Staff (2022-06-13). Cuadrando la Caja: øEmpresas con utilidades excesivas? cubadebate.cu La primera emisión del programa, dedicada a las utilidades excesivas en el sistema empresarial, contó con la presencia del Dr.C. Agustín Lage, el economista y Héroe de la República, Ramón Labañino, y la Ing. y empresaria Ariadne Placencia. El programa es una coproducción del Sistema Informativo de la TV cubana, la Pupila Insomne y Cubadebate, y es conducido por Marxlenin Pérez Valdés, Doctora en Ciencias Filosóficas y Profesora Titular de la Universidad de La Habana.

____ (2022-06-13). Ernesto 'Che' Guevara (14 Jun 1928 — 9 Oct 1967). transcend.org Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, theoretician and tactician of guerrilla warfare, prominent communist figure in the Cuban Revolution (1956—59), and guerrilla leader in South America, Guevara was a medical doctor specialized in leprosy. Traveling around South America, he observed conditions that spurred his revolt against poverty and capitalist exploitation, adopting Marxist ideology, theory and practices. He is revered by many as a martyred cultural hero, having become an iconic cult figure as a symbol of anti-imperialist struggles everywhere.

WSWS (2022-06-13). The pandemic, the global crisis of capitalism, the resurgence of class struggles and the tasks of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)—Part 3. wsws.org The SEP is based on the strategy of permanent revolution that animated the 1917 October Revolution. Only through the revolutionary mobilization of the working class, leading the rural and urban toilers, can the democratic and social aspirations of the oppressed masses be realized as part of the world socialist revolution.

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